How to Marry an Alien
like a pillow case than a dress. A definite
alternative chick.
    "Hey, you must be Alex." She stood up, her
tiny bare feet hitting the linoleum under her bed. "I'm Lucy, your
new roommate."
    I already knew her name. In fact, I already
knew everything about her. Lucy Lane, sophomore, public relations
major and environmental science major. She came from Scottsdale,
Arizona, where she lived with her engineer parents and older
brother. Ace already did a background check on her to make sure she
wasn't another crazy alien trying to kill me. That had happened
more times than I cared to think about.
    "Hey." I waved my hand slightly. "I'm Alex,
and this is my dad, Vince." I motioned toward my dad who stood
there straight as an arrow.
    "Good to meet you, Alex's dad." She smiled,
revealing some of the biggest teeth I had ever seen. The girl was
petite everywhere else, but those teeth could rival a horse.
    "Nice to meet you as well, Lucy."
    Dad placed his hand on my shoulder. "Well, I
should let you two get acquainted. I have some business to attend
to back at base."
    "Business?" I looked up at him, arching a
    "Yes, Alex. Business. I will call you later
to see how you are settling in."
    "And to let me know how Ace is doing?" I
    He groaned. "Yes, that too." He then squeezed
my shoulder.
    "Good to meet you, Lucy." He waved before
heading out of the room and disappearing down the hall without
another word.
    "Sooo..." I turned back from the doorway to
Lucy. She looked normal enough, but then again I thought Simone was
normal before she tried to kill me.
    "I guess I should let you get unpacking," she
blanched. "Even though it doesn't look like you have too much. Are
you a minimalist?"
    I tried to hide my smile; the situation
really wasn't funny. "No, I got in a car crash with my fiancé on
the way down here. This was what survived."
    Lucy gasped, bringing her hands to her face.
"Oh my God! I'm sorry! I didn't mean the whole minimalist comment."
She put her hands down, shoving them in the pockets of her dress.
"Now I feel like a first rate a hole."
    I shook my head. "Nah, don't worry about it.
You can make it up to me by taking me out to pick up some supplies
I'm missing, like possibly a toothbrush."
    "Oh, yeah." She nodded her head, letting out
a short snort. "I can definitely do that."
    After ten minutes, the five boxes that had
survived the crash were unpacked. Mostly clothes and a few books,
but some important necessities were definitely
everything involving hygiene.
    "Looks like you have emptied everything out."
Lucy's gray eyes trailed over the bits of stuff that lay on my bed.
Eighteen years on Earth and all I had to show for myself was a lot
of vintage t-shirts and a giant pink comforter that mom found on
sale and thought would look fabulous in my new dorm. Ugh, that one
would probably go to the donate pile.
    "Yeah, I probably need a big shopping run." I
put my hand on my grumbling stomach. "And maybe some food."
    I should have known that Lucy was the type of
hipster to drive a bright white Volkswagen Thing from the 1970s. It
looked like it should have been in some cheesy surfer movie with
the complete lack of a top and the whole dune buggy feel. But she
treated it like it was her own child. She even parked it way at the
back of the parking lot of Target. After charging probably more
than I was allowed to on my dad's credit card she drove us to a
small strip mall just outside of town, parking in the far corner
near a Mexican place called, La Noria. The Well? Okay then.
    "This is one of my favorite places around
here. They make an awesome veggie fajita." Lucy pounced out of the
car, not even bothering to open the door since the Thing was just
open to the elements. I secretly wondered how the vehicle would do
if it were in a car crash and prayed my things would be all right
in the trunk.
    "Is it really that hard to make a veggie
fajita awesome?" I laughed, following her to the front door.
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