How to Date a Nerd
when they go through cosmetology school. If you don’t have one, get one.
    “Can we make it darker?”
    “Darker red? Or black?”
    “Red.” Ahem… Jean Grey.
    She nods and goes to prepare the dye. I run my fingers through the crispy strands. I used a cheap box last time and got a disproving look from Missy when she saw it. Gosh, it’s not like I can poop out eighty bucks every month.
    I mean, I give the impression I’m pretty loaded. Like I’ve got a million bucks shoved down my bra everywhere I go, but truth is, Mom and Dad work their butts off for half a paycheck. They don’t ever complain about it, and so I try not to be the bitching teenager who begs them for money all the time. They don’t know about the clubs, but the cleavage is my ticket in anyway. As for the alcohol—whenever I do drink—someone usually pays for me. Again, thank you cleavage! Who knew, right?
    But the salon? Yup, I gotta save up for this stuff. Image people, image.
    Clicking my tongue as I wait, I try not to think about Sierra who has been locked in her room until she dies. She hasn’t talked to me since the hospital. I’ve tried to make amends, but really, shouldn’t she be the one groveling for my forgiveness? The more I think about it the more upset I get. I’m tempted to turn my head to the side and slap my ear to get rid of the train of thought.
    Hope swivels around in her chair, texting her latest boy toy. She giggles every time the phone vibrates.
    “Is he taking you to the club tonight?”
    She nods and continues to clack away on her keyboard.
    “Hey!” I kick her hard in the shin.
    “Geez, what?” She laughs and rubs her leg as she tucks her phone away.
    “Girls’ day, remember?” Hope is usually good at the girl stuff, which is why I always pick her over Keira. But today she totally sucks at it.
    “Okay, okay. Sorry.” She rolls her eyes and throws me a huge grin. “You know how it is though. New flame and all.”
    Gosh, I thought she’d be used to the new flame crap since she has a new boyfriend about as often as she changes nail polish. Hope’s one of those girls who is gorgeous and nice… most of the time. I mean, she’s nice to your face, but the second you piss her off, she’s firing off nasty crap all around school. Like the rest of us I guess.
    She’s also fun. Like, I can almost be myself with her.
    “Alrighty, here we go.” Missy stands behind me with the bowl of the perfumed dye. I close my eyes and let her go to work. The process has become so natural I don’t even feel the burn in my nose anymore. After a good twenty minutes of slathering the stuff on my head, Missy leads me to the dryer and hands me a few magazines.
    “I’ll come check on you in a few minutes.”
    I won’t open the magazines. Unless one of them is an Entertainment Weekly on the next Avengers movie, then I may take a peek. That’s okay to look at in public because that movie is all the rage right now, but if anyone found out I dissect it to death, researching the characteristics of the actors picked to portray each superhero to make sure they got the casting right… yeah, that’ll be curtains down on Popular Zoe. And of course, the only magazines they have are ones I only pretend to be interested in.
    Hope’s now getting slathered herself. Probably going blonder. Damn girl is perfect. Nice rack, pretty face, skinny waist, and long blonde hair. Like Galadriel from Lord of the Rings .
    I yank out my cell in the side pocket of my snug jeans, and slide it open to a text.
    From Cody.
    I miss u.
    Gag me. He really needs to take the implied breakup hint. I don’t want to ever see that jackass ever again. I blow up my cheeks and let the air come out slowly as my fingers fly across my keyboard.
    Stay the hell away from me.
    There, if he doesn’t get the hint from that, he’s an idiot.
    My phone buzzes.
    Nope, not an idiot. Just a horny prick. Things have never been that way with any guy ever. And I don’t want him
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