How to Date a Nerd
say anything, but this is fine. I smile into his chest, and I can hear my mom fighting back more tears.
    When I pull back, Mom takes Dad’s place. “I’m sorry, honey. Sierra told us differently.”
    Of course she did.
    “It’s okay, Mom. I’m sorry I didn’t stay at the hospital with her. I… you know… school stuff.”
    She nods and pats me on the cheek. My dad still hasn’t said anything, but that’s just how he is.
    Back in my room, I yank on my baggy pajamas. I’m really in no mood to be fake or pretend. It’s not like I have anyone to impress in my bedroom. And after what happened today, all I need is my X-Men book.
    With flashlight in hand, I jump into the pages, wiping away stupid tears. I have no idea why I’m crying. Even though she stole my car, wrecked it, and then told my parents I was the one who did everything, I still can’t help but feel guilty for leaving her in the hospital with tubes hanging out of her.
    I’m a horrible sister.
    I hear Zak’s window slide open, and my stomach flutters.
    Ugh! I hate the effect he still has on me.
    I whip the comforter off my head, and my hair pops with all the static. Zak chuckles as he leans out his window. I quickly run my hand through my hair, turning red.
    “Your sister get home okay?”
    “Yeah.” I crawl off the bed, trying to look sexy about it, but I’m not sure if I pull it off. I duck out my window so I can hear him better. Our property lines are so close, if we both extended our arms, we could hold hands.
    “You’re not in trouble are you?”
    I shake my head, but drop my gaze to the bushes below us.
    “What’s wrong, Zo?”
    I shake my head again, pursing my lips. No way am I confiding in him. That would send me down a very dangerous path resulting in a drop on the social ladder.
     “Come on. We used to talk about everything.”
    I cringe. “I know.”
    “Didn’t know you hated it so much.”
    I look up at him. His hair has fallen in front of his eyes, but I can see the hurt behind them.
    “I didn’t hate it. Things are just,” I pause, trying to find the right word. When he meets my stare, I finally find it. “Different.”
    He nods and chuckles. “I guess you could say that.”
    An awkward silence spreads between us. I blow up my cheeks but stop when I see Zak smirk at me. But then his smile fades, and his brow furrows.
    “Zo, why…?” He doesn’t finish, and I don’t prod. I don’t want to know what’s going on in his head.
    “Thanks for covering for me.”
    “I just told him the truth.”
    “Well, thanks.”
    Awkward silence again. He tosses his head back, sending his hair in a flurry. My stomach does a pancake flip as his dark eyes rest on mine. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
    He slams his window down and shuts the blinds.
    I reciprocate, nearly breaking the glass.
    On top of being a horrible sister, I’m a horrible neighbor.
    My bed looks comfortable, but I plop down on the floor. I grab the edge of the comforter and wrap it around myself.
    Stupid boy and all the jacked up feelings I get when I’m around him. He’s a friggin’ loser! He wore a Stars Wars shirt today. He invited me to watch a documentary this weekend. And the worst part is: I’m jealous of him .
    I can’t help but feel the same things I had when we were… friends. I suppose that’s the best way to describe the relationship we had. But there are reasons why we aren’t that way anymore. We’re just so…
    But that isn’t his fault. It’s mine.
    I throw the comforter over my head and close my eyes to escape the pain growing in my chest.
    I’m a horrible person. Period.

Chapter 4
    I’m covering my mouth with duct tape next time I’m at the salon.
    Best way to cure self-inflicted pain? Go back to routine. Starting with the monthly trip to the hair salon with one of my popular buds, Hope.
    “What’s it gonna be this time, hon?” Missy totally has a hairstylist’s name. I think it’s a requirement for every student
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