How to Be a Great Lover

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Book: How to Be a Great Lover Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lou Paget
Tags: Self-Help, Sexual Instruction
be thrilling to a man—especially when you never use that kind of language outside of bed. Practice in front of a mirror to see what you'll look like if you're unsure.
Tell him discreetly that you're wearing sexy, skimpy, or no lingerie at all, while the rest of world
sees you dressed classically; this will usually please him far more than putting your sex appeal on display. Every man loves the idea of bringing out the wild side of a woman. Believing he alone has the capacity to do that creates a bond unlike any other . It's not just sensual—it's mental, emotional, and spiritual as well.
Call him at work, where he cannot respond (in action) to what you're saying or suggesting. This is another form of foreplay that helps build the sexual tension and heighten the anticipation of your next meeting.
Bodily Bliss
I've had conversations with men of every age, race, location, and income level about what they feel to be the single most significant element in defining an incredible sexual experience with a woman. Nary a one of them has differed in his perspective on this issue. It isn't a perfect figure. It isn't physical beauty. It isn't even expertise.
Because of the way we've been conditioned socially, it might he difficult to believe, but it is true: what men want more than anything else is simply for us to be into it. During an intimate encounter, a man is looking for your mind, body, and soul to be in lull relationship with the project at hand. He wants to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he turns you on, and that there's no place else in the world you'd rather be than with him, Hulking love.
In the same way, men love body language. They respond to a body that is totally committed to whatever it's doing.
Whether you're eating, playing sports, telling a story, or kissing doesn't matter. If you're committed, men notice. That's why it's important, when sex is on your mind, to make sure your body is reflecting that message. This doesn't mean to stand or move provocatively. Overkill isn't necessary either. But you don't want to appear unsure about something you are sure about. Extend yourself, rather than close up. Stretch, stand tall, and move freely. Let him know you are in touch with your body and that you are absolutely aware of what you're doing.
At the same time, you don't want to stage or exaggerate your intentions. A forty-three-year-old male paper broker told me of his recent visit to his very posh gym. As he was using the bench press, he happened to catch sight of a woman in a formfitting aerobics outfit, stretching on the railing above him. He soon realized that she was not wearing any underwear; no thong, no Calvin Kleins, nothing. Instead of being turned on by such an obvious display of her body, he was actually turned off. "It was just too brazen, too overt, too trying-too-hard. It's much sexier for me to see a woman enjoying herself, totally immersed in what she is doing— whatever she's wearing."
The reason this is such valuable information is that women tend to be more inhibited sexually by the appearance of their own bodies than anything else. To attempt to hide, cover up, or camouflage an imperfection in your stomach, butt, breasts, or thighs during sex is not only a waste of time, it is a waste of your energy. In the first place, he's either going to see it or feel it anyway especially if you're going out of your way to make sure he doesn't. And in the second place, chances are he doesn't care.
Be aware of the sensuality in everything you see, feel, touch, taste, and smell. He will not only respond to your sensory awakening, chances are he'll want to be a part of the experience. For example, a lawyer recently shared a story about a night she went to a nightclub with some friends after work. She was wearing a suit and a pair of low pumps. While listening to the music, she very consciously played with her shoe, letting it dangle on the ends of her toes. A short time later, a man who had been sitting .11 t he
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