Hot Laps
the law early
     on. He was doing his engine check as Cole and I called it. Anytime he left town, we
     both heard his speech.
    “Listen to me, Casten, shit gets out of hand while we’re gone and you’re looking for
     a new place to live. I mean it.” He gave me his best don’t fuck up look.
    I winked at him. No way was I leading onto what I had planned for this weekend, or
     the next five weeks while they were out of town.
    “What happened to this thing?” I motioned to the blown engine.
    “Hell if I know. It was running rough in the heats and Tommy made a few adjustments.”
     His left hand scrubbed over his forehead. “Nothing helped though. Just let go half
     way through the C Main.”
    “So we got a new girl starting this week.” Dad smiled at the picture on my tool box
     of me and Jack at his last birthday party. “She’s gonna help out Bailey in the office.”
    “Really?” I winked and Dad knew. I already knew about Hayden but I had to tease him.
    “She’s Tate’s niece.” A frown settled over him, then increased. “Be good.”
    “Oh, well,” I knew how to get a rise out of anyone. “Tate loves me.”
    “Yeah but you go around messin’ with his niece,” he shook his head giving me an irritated
     look, “and he might have something to say about that.”
    “She’ll love me. All women do.”
    “You know kid, someday a girl is going to knock you on your ass.”
    “As long as she f—”
    He walked away covering his ears before I could finish. He knew exactly what I was
     going to say. But I corrected myself and said, “As long as she’s friendly . I was going to say friendly.”
    He didn’t believe me and raised his left hand flipping me off behind his back.

Blown – An engine that’s supercharged.
    Do you want to know what I hate most when the morning light disturbs my blissful sleep?
    Getting out of bed.
    It’s really hard for me. Like really hard. Damn near impossible.
    Maybe that’s why I’ve never had a job. Until now.
    When the alarm clock went off Tuesday morning, I silently hoped that I had mistakenly
     set it in error but then I remembered what today was. My first day at work.
    It’s actually pretty sad that here I was nineteen, soon to be twenty in August, and
     this was my first job.
    Despite that, there I was, still in bed, and not motivated.
    Last night I went out with my friend Anna. That’s really all that’s relevant right
     there. We went out to celebrate my new-found employment.
    The night was an intoxicated blur and I woke up with a keg in my room and my panties
     in a red plastic cup beside my bed with a black sharpie scribble on it. I couldn’t
     for the life of me tell you what it said. I don’t think the person who wrote it knew
    Rolling over, I stared at the ceiling trying to remember anything that might give
     me a clue as to what actually happened last night. I’m used to the morning mystery
     game. Granted, this was the first time I’d ever woken up with a keg in my room and
     my panties in a cup.
    It’s better than the mailbox. Try explaining that one to your dad the next morning
     when he gets the paper and finds his only daughter’s panties in the mailbox with a
     note that said: “ Thanks for the good time! ”
    Yeah so, that didn’t go over well. It might not have been all that bad but I was sixteen
     at the time. Probably something no dad wanted to find.
    Looking over at my phone, I sent a text to Anna.
    Why is there a keg in my room? I’m not complaining. But seriously, how’d it get here ?
    Anna didn’t respond and I really didn’t expect her to just yet. She was probably on
     her way to work. Unlike me, Anna started working at sixteen with the same insurance
     company her mom worked for. Given her attitude and lack of people skills, she held
     a steady job believe it or not. Lucky bitch lived at home still too.
    The alarm continued to go off until my roommate, Adam, pounded on the wall. “Seriously,
     turn that goddamn
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