Hide'n Go Seek
much energy these days." She shot him a worried glance. "Jarl's gone missing? Again? What's with him? He's been acting different lately."

    Several men jostled her, almost spilling her coffee on their way past.

    Brad patted her shoulder and pointed to a spot away from the action. Walking ahead, Shiloh sprawled in a small patch of shade. A huge boulder provided a place to sit and enjoy their drink in relative peace. Kali curled up with her legs crossed, while Brad stretched out his six-foot length. Covered in dust and both in jeans and black tee-shirts, except for their bright fluorescent vests, the two people could have been any two tired people.

    "Jarl could be struggling today. This gets to you after a while. We have to remember tomorrow is a new day."

    Kali exhaled noisily, staring at the heat waves rising around them. "I don't know. We work so hard to free these poor survivors, then to have this happen?" She eased her sore body into a more comfortable position. "I don't understand how someone could do this. It's senseless."

    Brad frowned. "Like what? Who? What did I miss?"

    Kali motioned toward the commotion in front of them. "I don't know exactly what happened here, but remember the guy we found several days ago? Stephen? The one with the broken left arm that had been pinned between the two cement slabs?"

    Brad narrowed as his gaze as he considered her description. "Yeah, I remember. Construction worker or something similar. What about him, outside of the fact he's damn lucky to be alive?"

    With a tight smile on her face, she said, "That's the problem. Someone decided he shouldn't be. Alive, that is."

    Brad shot her a startled look. "What?"

    Kali swirled her cup, watching the black brew slosh around. Brad deserved the full explanation. He'd been in on the poor guy's original rescue. "Shiloh signaled when we were walking through here a couple of hours ago."

    She glanced over at him. "Heaped on one side appeared to be freshly turned dirt. I requested a crew to check it over. When we found the clothing we went into recovery mode, thinking this was a slide victim. It didn't take long to realize we were wrong."

    "Wrong?" Brad frowned, a crease forming on his forehead. "What could be wrong with finding another victim?"

    Kali stared up at him, the ghosts from too many disasters, accidents, and deaths swirling through her mind. "This one was murdered."

    How was the Best of the Best now? Standing quietly, Texan watched as Kali wandered along the temporary road, Shiloh ever at her side. His position was perfect. Close enough to keep abreast of the running conversations but far enough away to mask his interest in what was going on.

    He'd orchestrated this lovely little mess, so why shouldn't he enjoy the results? After all, this was his debut. Well, public debut.

    People surged forward, with the recovery team bringing out the victim. The crowd’s gasps and cries were his well-earned accolades.

    Shifting his weight, he slid his hands into his dusty jeans pocket.

    He hadn't realized how much he would enjoy hearing and seeing their reactions. How much he would enjoy being the only one who truly understood. How much he would enjoy being God's inside man. His stomach had roiled initially at the hands-on work, but he'd never been the squeamish type and he'd gotten over it quickly. Besides, practice had improved his technique. Less messy. He straightened, rolling his shoulders as a sense of freedom washed over him. A heartfelt sigh gusted free. Such a difference this had made in his world. A small smile played at the corner of his lips. Life was good.

    Kicking the loose dirt at his feet, he considered returning to the temporary command center, except that could mean missing something good here.

    He watched Kali and Shiloh again. She'd almost reached the center. Several people stopped to talk to her as she walked. Everyone loved her. A little girl offered Kali a flower and a hug for Shiloh. He frowned with disgust.
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