Hide'n Go Seek
She'd been blessed with a model's body, a dancer's grace, and a queen's regal air. Only he knew her now. It had taken him a bit, but he'd finally seen the light. She had no soul. How dare she defy God's plan? Shooting a dirty look in her direction, he refocused on the scene going on around him, determined to enjoy the fruits of his labors. He could bide his time. There was a natural order to everything.

    Her turn would come...and soon.


    Four days later

    K ali awoke early. She ached deep inside, a weariness, a heaviness weighed on her as she lay in bed. Now if only she could go back to sleep.

    There was such joy in saving a life. She could only liken the experience to what a doctor must experience in an Emergency, when a case offers little hope - yet a miracle happens, and the patient survives. Heart-wrenching, painful, satisfying.

    It was easy to understand why Brad went on a bender after some of the bad rescues. It was hard enough on his wife with him racing off to disasters around the world, without adding days of wallowing in it, as well. Several others, like Jarl, used God to help them get through the pain. Other rescuers depended on the people in their closest relationships to help them heal.

    Rolling over, she dropped a hand over the side of her bed, reaching until a cold nose nudged her palm. Grateful for Shiloh's presence, she stroked the dog's furry head - the two of them inseparable as always.

    "Let's go for our run Shiloh, before it gets too hot."

    Shiloh's ears perked up, her head cocked to one side. She barked once.

    It took a couple of minutes to change into a black tank top and matching shorts and pull her hair into a ponytail. Running on the beach was unlike any other type of jogging. It was much harder. The first couple of times she'd thought the run would kill her. Time and practice had improved her speed and technique. Now she loved it. She'd lived in Oregon all her life, on the coast for the last year. She couldn't imagine living anywhere else now.

    Kali and Shiloh navigated the fifty-odd steps down the cliff to the rocks and sand. Large boulders and crashing waves dominated this part of the coast. The crescendo was always noisy and boisterous, giving extra energy to anyone lucky enough to be in the vicinity. Another reason for running here. No matter how little she might want to run beforehand, as soon as her feet hit the cold moist sand they gained a will all their own to send her speeding along the waterline. Today was no different.

    Shiloh barked and danced in circles, and Kali laughed. The miles churned under their feet as she dodged the tidal pools of water. They ran daily when their schedule allowed. Staying fit was mandatory for rescue work. Besides, she loved the way running made her feel.

    Thoughts tumbled around in her head as she looped back several miles of the beach. It was a good thing the tide was out, or she wouldn't have been able to go as far. The beach narrowed to a strip winding between the rushing water and majestic cliff face. The slope was unstable there. Made so by tumbling rocks and sand.

    By the time they'd returned to the cascade of rocks below her stairs, Kali was covered in sweat, life thrummed through her veins. She gasped for breath as she slowed to a walk and stretched her upper body.

    The sun slipped behind the clouds, giving her a brief respite from the sun and helped her to cool down faster. She walked up the stairs and across the long stretch of wilderness to her yard.

    A small white envelope sat on her back doorstep.

    She searched to see if the person who'd delivered it was still around. There was no sign of anyone. It hadn't been there when she'd left. At least she didn't think so. Wiping her sweaty hands on her shorts, she picked it up and flipped it over and back again. No return address and only her first name printed in ink on the front. Written in all capitals, it appeared more businesslike than personal.


    After unlocking
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