Her Three Liberators [The Hot Millionaires #6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Her Three Liberators [The Hot Millionaires #6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Her Three Liberators [The Hot Millionaires #6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Zara Chase
Tags: Romance
churned with a maelstrom of conflicting emotions. Despite her best efforts to ignore it, for the first time since forever, the sensual side of her character had woken up. She disliked Jonny Malone for being an arrogant, egotistical, and condescending jerk.
    She also wanted him so much that it was hard for her to think straight. Geez, what was wrong with her? Nothing could come of it, even if she did somehow manage to attract him, so what was the point?
    “Oh, the wine’s lovely, Brad.” She drained her glass in one swallow. “In fact, I’ll have another, please.”
    She only said it to be polite since the wine obviously mattered so much to Brad, but she could see from Jonny’s caustic gaze that he now had her pegged as a lush. Get over it, she told herself. She didn’t give a toss what Jonny Malone thought of her. She turned to Harry and asked him about his communication technology.
    “Don’t ask unless you really want to know,” Daniel said, smiling. “Harry’s as enthusiastic about that sort of thing as I am.”
    “She probably wouldn’t understand it anyway,” Jonny said in a tone that wasn’t even on nodding terms with politeness.
    “And you would, big brother,” Harry teased.
    Jonny grunted. “Point taken.”
    He glanced at his father and some of the rigidity left his shoulders. The boys had obviously been told to be nice to her and Jonny didn’t want to upset Daniel. It was about the only aspect of his character that she found appealing.
    Coombes announced dinner. The boys headed for the door in a gaggle, obviously hungry. Steffi hung back, knowing Daniel needed help to stand up. Jonny glanced back, saw what she was doing, and was at her side in seconds.
    “Here, let me.”
    He extended a strong hand and helped Daniel to his feet far more easily than Steffi could have managed. Daniel thanked them both and then slipped Steffi’s arm through his.
    “Privilege of old age,” he told his sons as he swept past them as fast as he could manage with Steffi at his side.
    * * * *
    Jonny fell into step behind them and shared a loaded glance with his brothers that said what the hell have we got here? Steffi Darwin wasn’t at all what Jonny had expected. What had he expected? Hell if he knew. All he did know was that his first sight of her had hit him squarely in the solar plexus—well, his cock to be more precise, and he wasn’t the slightest bit happy about that.
    He and his brothers had discussed their father’s illness after Daniel dismissed them, trying to come to terms with the shock and railing against the unfairness of life. Harry was all for getting more opinions. He thought he’d read somewhere about some breakthrough treatment available and was determined to look into it. Jonny figured it was probably too late but, aware that his brother needed to feel he was doing something helpful, kept that opinion to himself.
    Their discussion then turned to Daniel’s bizarre request regarding Steffi. When it came right down to it, he’d asked them in not so many words to fuck her. Jonny almost smiled at the memory. It was just about the only thing that had made him want to smile since he’d gotten home and learned Daniel’s devastating news. How many fathers actually encouraged their sons to behave that way? Harry and Brad didn’t see any harm in humouring him, but Jonny was suspicious by nature and wondered what precisely had fuelled the parental order. This female who’d inveigled her way into Daniel’s life at a time when he was at his most vulnerable wanted something from him. Women always did. Look no further than his three ex-wives and countless ex-mistresses if proof of that was necessary.
    Half an hour after meeting her, Jonny was starting to doubt his usually sound judgement. She wasn’t trying to charm or impress, which in itself was impressive. All women tried to impress the Malone men. It’s just the way it had always been. Fuck it. That damned dress she was wearing made
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