Hello, Hollywood!

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Book: Hello, Hollywood! Read Online Free PDF
Author: Janice Thompson
felt about the words spawn , food , and romance being used in the same sentence. Made me a little queasy. So did the stares from all of the married folks. They seemed to be boring holes through me as the word romance was spoken. Okay, people. Enough already. I’ll fall in love again. Someday. With someone who isn’t a jerk. In the meantime, please trust that God has everything in my life under control.
    “Athena says she’s happy single.” My father approached and drew me into his arms, then planted a kiss on my forehead. “So leave her be, everyone.”
    I’d never seen a group of people deflate so quickly.
    He leaned over and whispered “ Gnothi seauton ” into my ear. I knew the English translation—“Know yourself”—but had a feeling he was trying to share something a little more than that. With a hoarse whisper, my father conveyed his real meaning. “Just be yourself, Athena. Don’t worry about what others think. When you stand before God, he won’t be asking for the opinions of those around you.”
    I nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek. We said our goodbyes and headed to the door. As we did, Kat drew near and whispered, “What’s with that ‘Athena is happy single’ line? Are you telling me you wouldn’t jump at the chance to fall in love? I don’t believe that for a moment.”
    “Oh, well, I . . .” I couldn’t seem to finish my sentence because, in that very moment, the handsomest man I’d ever seen brushed past me in the doorway, interrupting my thoughts. He was tall, dark, and definitely superhero material, right down to the broad shoulders and confident stride.
    For a moment our eyes met and we both paused. Well, I paused. I think maybe he stopped because I stepped on his foot. Regardless, he hesitated long enough for me to get another look at those rich brown eyes and that hint of a dimple on the left side of his gorgeous lips. He raked a hand through those thick dark waves and flashed a smile so bright it nearly blinded me. Okay, maybe it was the glare coming from the reflection of the sun against the glass pane in the door, but still . . .
    “I’m so sorry.” I pulled my foot back.
    “No problem.” His smooth voice captivated me at once. So did the dimples, now clearly visible.
    Wow. Maybe I would have to reconsider my stance on men. Or better yet . . . figure out some way to write this modern-day Adonis into my life story. Not that I was actually the one writing my life story, of course. Snap out of it, Athena. Focus.
    “Come along, pretty girls!” Lenora’s voice rang out, and she gave me a little nudge. “We’ve got places to go, people to see.”
    “O-okay.” Honestly, the only person I wanted to see was my story’s potential hero, but he’d just disappeared into the mob of people inside my parents’ store. With life—and Lenora—pressing me forward, any romantic scenes I might’ve written slipped right out of my head. Oh well. There would be plenty of time to pencil in a hero later. I hoped. In the meantime, I’d stick with the line that I didn’t need a man in my life. Everyone seemed to be buying it, anyway.
    Well, everyone but Kat. She gave me a look that said, “I saw that, Athena,” before stepping through the door. Yep, she was definitely on to me. Oh well. What were best friends for, if not to see into your heart?
    I flashed a smile and dove into a senseless conversation, first about the weather, then about Lenora’s beautiful pink convertible parked at the curb. Kat continued to give me that “I’m not buying it” look, but I did my best to ignore her.
    After climbing into the backseat, I turned once more toward the shop and released a lingering sigh as I realized something—or someone—wonderful might have just slipped through my fingers.
    So long, Adonis. Great meeting you . . . even if it was only for a moment.

On Monday morning I arrived at the studio with my arms loaded. Mama had insisted upon sending goodies from the shop, as
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