Heidi Vanlandingham - Lucie: Bride of Tennessee (American Mail-Order Bride 16)
ain’t payin’ you to just stand there, now am I?”
    Lucie let out a startled yelp. He heard her cry out, which was followed by a loud thud. Sebastian jerked the front door open.
    “I’m not payin’ you to talk either. You and me, we’re gonna come to an understanding.”
    “Mr. Beauregard—”
    “Is there a problem here, Beauregard?”
    The store owner swung around when he heard his voice, pulling Lucie forward. She stumbled, trying to keep her balance.
    Sebastian’s anger flared when he saw Lucie’s thin arm in the man’s meaty grasp. “Drop her arm and step away.”
    The man did as he was told, his scruffy face reddening in anger and his beady eyes narrowing, almost disappearing into his fat cheeks. “I don’t tell you how to run that hotel of yours, so don’t tell me what to do in my own place, McCord. Now get whatever you came in here for and leave.” With one last glare at Lucie, he turned and waddled through the open doorway leading into the back office.
    She inhaled, letting the air out slowly between her lips. “Thank you, Mr. McCord.”
    “Please, call me Sebastian.”
    He stared at her lips, glistening pink as she wet them with her tongue. An emotion welled inside of him as he saw the fear in her eyes, something he’d thought long buried after his wife’s betrayal. He hardened his heart as he forced himself to look at the girl in front of him. She was nothing more than skin and bones—too thin for his liking. The type of woman to hold his interest was the complete opposite of Lucie Croft… He let the thought drift away. He didn’t need another woman in his life.
    Concern showed in Mr. McCord’s brown eyes. Lucie’s heartbeat quickened, and she turned away. She caught her reflection in a small mirror propped on a shelf and was horrified. Her thin body quivered, the lace on her sleeves shaking. Some of her dark hair had pulled away from the loose bun on the back of her head, and there was a smudge of what looked like dirt on one cheek.
    She turned back to face the man who’d helped her. “Thank you. Mr. Beauregard was unhappy with something I failed to do…”
    “That gives him no excuse to lay a hand on you, Lucie.”
    The room spun, and she took several deep breaths, which only made her feel even more lightheaded. Swaying, she placed her hand on the counter beside her. Sebastian stepped forward and gripped her elbow with a firm grip.
    “There now. Let’s sit you down.” He led her toward the ladder-back chair tucked in a corner.
    After getting her seated, he squatted in front of her and looked into her eyes, which made her want to squirm. He was so close, she noticed the tiny golden flecks in his brown irises. He also smelled heavenly—like a forest after a summer rain.
    “I’m sorry if I spoke out of turn. I wonder if you would feel up to helping me with a small issue?”
    She raised her eyebrows but continued to study his strong jaw. “Help with what, Sebastian?”
    He rose, turning toward the display shelves that lined the wall, and stared at several bundles of material. “I need to purchase a present for my mother.”
    She smiled up at him, feeling a bit better. What a sweet thing for him to do. “What did you have in mind? Is this a special gift?”
    He let out a loud sigh. “It’s for her birthday. What does one get for the lady who has everything?”
    “Well, that is definitely a problem.” Not liking him looming over her, she rose. Plucking three spools of black thread from among the white spools, she dropped them back where they belonged, then absently tucked the corner of a pretty purple silk back between the roll and a thinner bundle of ugly brown wool lying underneath it. She noticed him staring at her fingers. A couple of the nails were chipped, and the skin over her knuckles was red and chapped. She dropped her hand back to her side in a loose fist, hiding both hands in the folds of her skirt.
    Without hesitating, he lifted one of her
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