Heidi Vanlandingham - Lucie: Bride of Tennessee (American Mail-Order Bride 16)
enter the hotel, thinking about his dimpled smile She didn’t hear Mr. Beauregard until it was too late. His heavy hand landed against her ear, knocking her sideways. Meaty knuckles came out of nowhere and hit her backwards, a burst of light exploding behind her right eye as she fell to the floor.
    Her boss’s large frame hovered over her, blocking out the bright sunlight streaming through the glass window and door. “Get out of my store, you jezebel! I’m not good enough, is that it? I’ve been nicer to you than most, and all you can do is pine away after that gawddammed McCord!”
    He kicked at her, the toe of his shoe digging into her upper thigh as she crawled across the rough wooden floor toward the front door. She couldn’t feel her leg anymore, but somehow pulled herself up by hanging onto the doorknob.
    Confused at his unexplainable behavior, she shoved her fear away. With a quick twist of her wrist, she ignored the sharp stabbing pain and hopped backward, managing to get the door open. But before she could step outside, he grabbed her by her hair and pulled her back against his fat stomach.
    Wrenching her head sideways, he tried to kiss her. With one hand, she pushed against his face, but he was too strong. Dragging her nails down his cheek, he finally jerked away and shook her.
    “I pay you to sell my wares, not give away free advice and lose me a sale, which is all you seem to be able to do! You’re worthless, and I ain’t gonna keep payin’ for your mistakes!” He gripped her so tightly around the back of her neck, she felt like her head was going to pop off as he jerked her through the front door and onto the wooden sidewalk.
    With a hard shove, she tumbled into the newly paved street, falling onto her already damaged hands, scraping up her knees. She didn’t move, breathing away the pain shooting up her limbs. She willed away the agony and tried to stand, but the pain only increased.
    Forcing her body to rise, she took a step toward The McCord and stumbled, her leg still numb from Beauregard’s vicious kick. She looked up only to meet Sebastian’s furious gaze.
    * * *
    Sebastian strode across the street, the last few steps almost a run as Lucie collapsed, falling into his outstretched arms. He carried her to the sidewalk in front of his hotel and lowered her to the planks.
    “Janssen!” The clerk’s eyes widened as he peered through the open doorway.
    “Stay with her,” Sebastian demanded, hesitating as his hand brushed against her cheek, which was already swelling and turning a dark mottled blue-black. He stood and pushed his way through the gathering throng of people.
    Sebastian marched across the street and burst into the store. “Beauregard! Get your fat-assed carcass out here now!” he bellowed.
    The owner hurried into the store, a shotgun in his hands. “You got no right barging in here like this, McCord! Now, get out!”
    He raised the rifle and fired, the sound popping Sebastian’s eardrums in the enclosed store. Thankfully, the shot went wide He lunged toward the man, pulling the rifle from his hands. With one solid punch to his pig-like face, the man went down.
    Sebastian stared at him in disgust. Rifle in hand, he left the store and hurried back across the street. Shoving his way back into the crowd, he pushed several people away. “Get away from her—let her breathe!” He continued to push more and more people out of the way as they lined the sidewalk to gawk as she lay helpless in Janssen’s arms. The clerk looked about ready to pass out himself. Finally, a familiar voice bellowed behind him and everyone scampered away.
    “What in the Sam Hill happened to her, McCord?” Sheriff Gurley dropped down to one knee and grabbed Sebastian’s wrist. “Now, just a minute—”
    “I’m not going to hurt her, John. I’m trying to get her inside.” The sheriff loosened his grip then let go of him.
    “I’m right behind you,” John muttered.
    Sebastian gathered
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