Heaven Can't Wait

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Book: Heaven Can't Wait Read Online Free PDF
Author: Eli Easton
Kevin’s type. It was one thing to ignore that when Chuck was being a jerk. But now….
    If Chuck knew Kevin liked him that way that would be the end of any tentative overtures of friendship. And Kevin was really enjoying Chuck being so decent. He didn’t want to screw it up.
    “No, I’m okay,” Kevin said a little breathlessly. He hated how girly he sounded.
    “Come on, dude. Don’t be stupid.” Chuck patted the bed again, like it was no big deal.
    Kevin got up and took his pillow over to Chuck’s bed. Chuck put the bowl of popcorn on his stomach and munched happily. As Kevin settled down, propped up against the headboard like Chuck, Chuck started the movie with the remote. He shoved the bowl toward Kevin.
    Kevin took deep breaths. He could do this. Just… eat popcorn and watch a movie, ignore the hunky, muscled, warm, tantalizingly hairy chest covered with a thin T-shirt that was right there . And those… lips. And that… entire lower half, with the meaty-looking bulge in the sweats. No problem. He’d just keep his eyes fixed on the screen. Mr. Anti-Peripheral Vision. Maybe breathe through his mouth too, because damn, Chuck smelled good—a bit of piney soap and a trace of heady sweat.
    Do not even think of a locker room. That’s boner territory. Not going there.
    Chuck nudged Kevin as the opening sequence played. “I’ve been meaning to ask—what’s your major?”
    “Music business. I’d love to work for a concert hall someday, doing scheduling or management. Something like that.”
    “Yeah, I noticed the clarinet case.”
    “Trumpet.” When Kevin was nervous he talked too much, and here it came. “I was first chair in my high school marching band, but I’m only third chair here. I was lucky to get in at all. The guy who’s first is really good.”
    “And I decided to take concert band instead of marching band because it’s less time consuming.”
    Chuck actually looked interested. “What sorts of stuff do you play in concert band?”
    “We’re practicing for a Christmas concert right now.”
    “Yeah. I’m understudy for one of the lead trumpet’s solos. I’ll never get a chance to play it live, probably, but it’s fun to practice.” Oh God, shut up Kevin. “So, um, what are you studying?”
    Kevin expected Chuck to say something like physical education, but he didn’t.
    “History. I like it, and I had a really amazing history teacher in high school, so….”
    “You want to be a history teacher?” Kevin said, surprised.
    Chuck shrugged. “Maybe. I have a few years to figure it out. Why? Is that weird?”
    “No, not at all. It’s very… admirable.”
    On-screen, a naked Arnold Schwarzenegger finally shut Kevin up.
    “What’s the solo?” Chuck asked after a bit.
    “The solo you’re understudy for.”
    “Oh. Um, ‘O Holy Night.’”
    “On trumpet? That sounds cool. Why don’t you practice in here sometime?”
    Kevin looked at Chuck aghast. “That will never, ever happen.”
    Chuck smirked and shrugged. “Okay. Just a suggestion.”
    “Shhh. Watch the movie.” Chuck gave Kevin another little nudge. Kevin focused on the movie as furiously as he could. Chuck was being too nice and too… there and… smelling. And after a while—because he was cursed by the gods—Kevin fell asleep.
    He woke up feeling very warm. He was pressed against a body that was generating heat like it was mini power station. He cracked open his eyes. His face was pressed against a chest—a very masculine chest. Kevin could feel well-defined pecs through the thin fabric and the texture of springy hair.
    Oh for the love of God. Kevin felt an almost overpowering urge to open his mouth and bite, kiss, and lick, even through the T-shirt. He was so damn horny and he wanted, needed, contact. He felt a flush of heat in his groin, making an already major hard-on worse and—
    Shit. Chuck. He’d fallen asleep against Chuck , and he was hard. He was
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