Heaven Can't Wait

Heaven Can't Wait Read Online Free PDF

Book: Heaven Can't Wait Read Online Free PDF
Author: Eli Easton
can pick you up stuff at the cafeteria when I go. It’s just till the end of the semester, right? It’s not a big deal.”
    But it was. It was a big deal, and they both knew it. For a moment, Kevin felt vulnerable, like maybe Chuck would laugh at him— What a pathetic loser! So desperate to be liked, you’ll offer to kiss the ass of a guy who treats you like crap. And really, he’d be right.
    But Chuck didn’t say that. He stared at Kevin, and he looked touched and sort of grateful. “Dude, you put me to shame. Seriously,” Chuck said softly.
    Kevin didn’t know what to say.
    “Man, if you do this, I will so totally owe you. It would really suck if I had to drop out and lose my folks’ tuition for this semester and graduate late and…. I should probably turn you down, but, seriously, that would be hugely helpful. I would really be in your debt.”
    “Yeah, you will owe me. Big time.” Kevin said, finding a spark of confidence. “I can live with that. Chuck. ”
    Chuck smiled. “Dude.”

Chapter Eight
    D AY BY day, Chuck started to open up to Kevin. And day by day, Kevin inched a little further toward a tentative friendship with the big guy. It was like worming your way into a warm sleeping bag on a frigid night—and doing it slowly enough to not wake up the grizzly bear that was sleeping next to it.
    But as wary as Kevin was, Chuck never gave him the slightest vibe of dislike or disdain. Quite the opposite. He was so damn grateful and polite. After a few days, Kevin began bringing his own meal back to the room to eat with Chuck. He told himself that he didn’t want Chuck’s food to get cold while he sat in the cafeteria and ate. But the truth was, Kevin preferred eating with Chuck in their room to sitting alone at a table in the cafeteria. After three months at college, Kevin still hadn’t made any real friends. He was too shy and self-conscious, too eager to leave his classes the moment they were over, too likely to hang out alone in the coffee shop, or in his room if Chuck were out. He knew a few of the people in concert band but not more than to say “hi” to. So, yeah, he was lonely.
    Chuck always brightened when Kevin came in. Poor guy had to be going crazy cooped up all the time. Randy and Chris dropped by sometimes, but they never stayed long. Since Chuck couldn’t go out partying with them, they didn’t appear to want to stick around.
    Kevin taught Chuck how to play backgammon to pass the time. Then they’d started watching movies together. It was… nice. Kevin thought they were almost friends. It was weird because he used to hate his room and avoid it as much as possible. Now he was anxious to get back at the end of the day, to be around Chuck. He tried not to think too hard about why that was.
    Tonight they were watching Terminator . Kevin walked into the room with the bowl of popcorn he’d made in the downstairs kitchen. He handed it to Chuck and took a handful for himself, then sat on his own bed.
    Chuck gave him a dubious look. “I know you can’t see great from over there. And the popcorn bowl is over here.”
    Kevin hesitated. He was pretty sure Chuck was suggesting that he sit on Chuck’s bed. But how embarrassing if he moved over there and that wasn’t what Chuck meant. Kevin eyed his desk chair, but it was hard and not something he wanted to watch a movie in.
    Chuck scooted over so he was lying right up against the wall. He patted the spot next to him on the bed. “Bring a pillow. Come on.”
    Oh God.
    Kevin adored the idea that Chuck felt comfortable enough with him now to offer to be that physically close—close to him, a gay guy. But he wasn’t sure he could lie next to Chuck for an entire movie without springing a massive boner. Unfortunately, now that he was getting to know Chuck, especially with Chuck being so nice and all, it was harder for Kevin to ignore how attractive he was. Chuck was so appealing with thickly built body and machismo. He was exactly
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