Heart Racer
high school – she made sure that everyone drew the wrong conclusions. When pictures showed up of you partying in Greece—”
    “Those were meant to distract the public. You know that,” he said tightly. “I was in the hospital the entire two weeks. My father was fighting for his life, dammit.”
    “I know that. Everyone in the family knows that, but because your father also did not want the public to know the truth, our hands here were tied. You hadn’t given me permission to let Bobby know the truth.”
    And he hadn’t because he had been too proud , Leandro realized grimly. In his mind, there was still nothing between him and Bobby, and because there was none, his pride had baulked at the need to explain anything to her.  
    He had been ready to suffer the consequences of the decision his pride had made him take, but what Leandro had not been ready for was the fact that Bobby had also suffered the consequences.
    Leandro gestured for the server and ordered a shot of whisky, which he downed in one gulp as soon as it was served. When the fiery liquid made its way down his throat, somewhat succeeding in neutralizing his rage, he asked slowly, “What else happened?”
    “Almost everyone followed Valerie’s lead. I’ve managed to put the word out and stop any of the male students from harassing her in any way, but there is a limit to what I can do before I’m accused of unfair treatment. Jaike’s repeatedly invited her to hang out with us, but you know Bobby. She’s proud…” Derek grimaced. “Probably as proud as you are, if not prouder. She knows we’re trying to protect her, and she’s not letting us.”
    “None of the guys in uni will touch her, but I can’t stop them from looking at her. Also, the girls have been making snide comments the moment they’re out of earshot of any faculty member.”
    Every word left Leandro sick. Two kisses…just two goddamn kisses and he had practically ruined Roberta Granger’s life.
    He shook his head, his face white. “She survived all that?”
    Derek said simply, “She’s not an ordinary girl.”
    The words hit Leandro hard because once upon a time, he had thought the opposite.
    “She’s not the kind of girl who deserves to be played with, Leandro.”
    “I know that, but now it’s too late. My father’s recovered, and I need to undo the damage my pretense has caused. I need to give him a fighting chance during the elections.” His fists clenched. “I need to make everyone believe I’ve changed and right now, only someone like Bobby can make that happen.”

Chapter Six
    “Bobby, Bobby!”  
    The familiar voice made Bobby stiffen and then she started walking – fast. She was practically running, but before she could reach the doors of the restaurant, it was too late. A hand settled on her shoulder. “Bobby!”
    When she turned, she had a look of surprise on her face. “Aunt Sam! I didn’t hear you call me!”
    “That’s odd, since the whole restaurant but you seemed to have heard me.”
    Bobby grimaced. She really should remember that there was no point trading insults with Samantha Christopoulos. It was hard to be sarcastic when the other one was so wonderfully… blunt. She began, “If this is going to be another one of your attempts to convince me that I need to give your nephew another chance—”
    “Oh darling, not at all.” Samantha curled her arm around the younger girl’s and, turning them both around, she walked back into the restaurant’s main dining hall.
    Bobby had no choice but to walk with her. “Is this even a coincidence?”
    “No,” Samantha admitted cheerfully. “I simply called all your favorite restaurants and told them to call me the moment you booked a reservation with them.”
    “You’re scary.”
    “I know.”
    Bobby frowned. “So…if this is not about him, then what is this about?”  
    Samantha looked surprised. “I didn’t say it wasn’t about him. I just meant that I don’t need to convince you.”
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