that “Will You Marry Me, Micah” was about to flash across the scoreboard, and he had no way to stop it.
Except Micah stared at him with obvious concern and brushed Ty’s hair away from his forehead.
“Shit, Ty. Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
Ty licked his lips. He might have no real interest in hockey, but that didn’t mean Micah hadn’t forced him to watch the Mighty Ducks a thousand times over. And this was the perfect time to fake an injury.
“Actually, Micah. I think I may have hurt myself.”
Micah’s eyes widened and he bit his lip. “Okay, maybe you shouldn’t move.”
Fuck .
“Uh….” Ty’s mouth flopped open while his thoughts whirred. “Well, uh, it’s not that bad. Help me up.”
“I really don’t think you should….”
“Help me up, Micah,” Ty said, voice tight. “I still have to… you know.” He jerked his head toward the exit. “I’m already embarrassed, if you get my drift.”
“ Oh ,” Micah said. “Yeah. Let’s get you up, then.”
With the help of a few other fans, Ty got to his feet. He leaned on Micah, and it wasn’t all fake because his hip did hurt. The ring box had dug right into the joint, and there was going to be a spectacular bruise.
They limped up the stairs and out of the stadium just as the horn for the end of the second period blew.
Ty sighed in relief.
Micah guided him to the bathroom, and Ty had a moment of oh, he really does love me when Micah steadied him at the urinal so he could piss. The thought made him ache in ways unrelated to the fall. He had a vision of them together as old men with gray hair and walkers, helping each other out of their rocking chairs.
“I love you,” Ty blurted when they washed their hands.
Micah cocked his head to the side, lips turned up slightly at the corners. “Did you hit your head?”
“Ass,” Ty replied, chuckling.
Micah laughed, the first sign of happiness since the Hurricanes’ first goal. “You love it, apparently.”
“I don’t know why.”
Micah kissed Ty as best as he could while grinning. “Come on, clumsy. Let’s go home. And I’ll check your bruises.”
“Will you kiss them and make them better?”
“I wouldn’t be much of a boyfriend if I didn’t.”
They hailed a cab and Ty gingerly slid into the seat.
“I am sorry about tonight,” Micah said, pouting. He draped his arm across the back of the cab and allowed Ty to snuggle into his side. “What a bad game, and then you fell. The only way it could get worse would be if the cab suddenly—”
Ty placed his palm over Micah’s mouth. “Don’t,” he said. “Just don’t even.”
Micah kissed Ty’s fingers and grinned. “What? Not up for tempting fate?”
“Definitely not tonight.”
Micah burst into a laugh, head falling back against the seat rest. The Christmas lights they passed cast colors over his skin, highlighting the slope of his nose and the pout of his lips. His wild hair fell across his forehead and his throat bobbed, the slender column of his neck awash in reds, greens, and blues.
Ty’s mouth went dry, and despite the throb in his hip and the ring still in his pocket, Ty couldn’t count the night as a loss.
T EN DAYS left and the ring sat snugly in the sock drawer.
Ty finished editing the romance about the stranded heiress and the jungle man and started the one about the pirate queen and her captive cabin boy who was secretly royalty. He felt like a hypocrite making suggestions about romance on the high seas when his own was making him just plain seasick.
Pulling out his phone, Ty thumbed over the contact listing for Bronwyn and considered calling her for ideas. Then he wondered about how pathetic he would be asking an eighteen-year-old girl for tips on how to woo her brother.
Would it be creepy? Would Ty turn into that guy? The one no one wanted to sit next to at parties? Was that really something he should be worrying about when his future happiness was at stake? Speaking of steak, should