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Book: Guilty Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ann Coulter
three hours of Randi Rhodes (6 listeners) every day. Reim-plementation of the “Fairness Doctrine” spells the end of talk radio.
    So naturally Democrats are itching to bring it back! Democrats have already passed two bills reinstating the “Fairness Doctrine” sinceits merciful repeal—both vetoed, by Republican presidents Reagan and George H. W. Bush. 34 Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and Senators Jeff Bingaman, Richard Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, and Chuck Schumer—all Democrats—have said they want to reinstate the “Fairness Doctrine.”
    A Clinton-appointed judge has found that speech on the Internet is also subject to federal control. In 2004, U.S. District Court judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly ordered the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to consider extending the McCain-Feingold speech restrictions to the Internet, saying that exempting the Internet has allowed the “rampant circumvention of the campaign finance laws.” 35 Evidently, excluding Hollywood movies and TV shows, magazines, newspapers, and the broadcast and cable networks from federal speech restrictions poses no such threat to the campaign finance laws.
    Once the government has muzzled speech on talk radio and the Internet, we can happily return to a world called “1984.” The establishment media will heave a sigh of relief and say, “Thank God that's over!” Then they can go back to insisting that the idea of the “liberal establishment” is a kooky conservative conspiracy theory. There's your liberal establishment that Gergen says “doesn't exist anymore.”
    THE MEDIA ARE SO PARTISAN THAT MANY PEOPLE ARE UNDER the impression that they must take their marching orders directly from the Democratic National Committee. But journalists aren't merely the willing recipients of information from campaign consultants: They are active participants in Democratic campaigns. As difficult as it is to separate them, the Democratic Party is beholden to the media, not the other way around.
    It wasn't the Kerry campaign calling in the Bush National Guard hoax in to CBS News. It was the reverse: Dan Rather's producer at CBS, Mary Mapes, called Kerry campaign official Joe Lockhart about Bush's fake National Guard scandal, imploring him to call CBS's trusted source and proven liar Bill Burkett. 36
    And it wasn't House Democrats who launched the Mark Foley e-mail scandal, 37 that was ABC News. House pages had complainedabout receiving inappropriate e-mails and instant messages from Republican representative Mark Foley as far back as 2000 or 2001. House Democrats didn't care. The media did—precisely one month before a hard-fought midterm congressional election and one day after the deadline for removing Foley's name from the Florida ballot. (All I can say is, thank God a good, faithful Democrat took Foley's old seat so there won't be any more sex scandals in Palm Beach County!)
    True, the Democrats and the media are generally fighting for the same thing: the total destruction of the United States of America. But when their interests collide, as they did when Hillary was in a primary against spine-tingler Obama, we see who wins.
    In the 2008 election season, it wasn't the Obama campaign but the
New York Times
that put a thinly sourced article about an alleged John McCain affair on its front page. It wasn't the Democratic National Committee but a newspaper reporter, David Singleton of the
Scranton Times-Tribune,
who invented the story about Republican crowds yelling “Kill him!” about Obama at a Palin rally. 38 It wasn't the Obama campaign but the
that put an angry, and yet still pointless, Alaska ethics report on Governor Sarah Palin on its front page.
    On the main charge against Palin, the firing of her public safety commissioner, the investigators found it “was a proper and lawful exercise of her constitutional and statutory authority” to fire her own department head.
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