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Book: Aura Read Online Free PDF
Author: M.A. Abraham
and he could see her body shudder and shake as if in extreme grief.  He moved forward to comfort her.

Without a word or movement her spirit beckoned to him.  He could not reason why he should be so captivated by her.  What drew him?  He felt her power through every fiber of his being and although he knew he should fear it, he did not.  There was a sense of rightness about the lure, something that told him that she belonged to him, yet there was so much about her that was strange, so much he wondered about.  The only thing he was sure of was that she needed him, just as he knew that if he ever managed to find her he would never let her go.

He moved, seeking her side, and the closer he got to her the more he noticed the differences that separated them.  The strangeness of her attire spoke to him of another place, and he wished he knew more of this woman who held him enthralled.  Her every movement seemed a study of grace and beauty and he felt his blood run hot in his desire to possess her.  He could almost touch her, his fingers mere inches from her, when as suddenly as she had appeared she began to fade from his view.  He stopped, watching in silence as the mist that had brought this vision to him reclaimed her.  He lunged towards her figure, only to find her gone.  In a voice raw and thick with grief he raised his head and screamed.

"Do not leave me!"

He felt a constriction so tight in his chest he could scarcely breath, a sensation he fought, along with the deep sense of loss that the disappearance of the maiden left him with.  He sat up and gave another anguished scream.  "NO!"

A pair of heavy rough hands descended on his shoulders and with a harsh movement shook him.

"Wake up Thorn, wake up.  You are having another nightmare."

Thorn's eyes snapped open and he focused his gaze onto the face before him, looking as he did into his brother's worried expression.  He took hold of his wrists, and, on a gasp, demanded.  "Where is she?"

"She?"  Edmund, Thorn's brother had no idea what he spoke of.  Surely he could not mean the comely little whore they had brought to him the night before.  He had ordered her away in harsh and insulting tone.  "I thought you said that she disgusted you and by now she probably warms another man's bed.  I can, however, send for her if you have changed your mind."

As Thorn caught on to what Edmund was talking about, a look of contempt crossed his face, and he snarled back.  "I speak of no whore."

"In that case I suggest that you wake a little more brother and realize just where you are."

Thorn gave his head a shake to clear his fogged brain, then heaved a mighty sigh.  "Have I done it again brother?"

"Aye Thorn, you have.  I trust I am right to assume that you do not mean Celeste when you speak?"

"Nay Edmund, she is definitely not the one for whom I seek.  I do believe my meeting time with the person in my vision is getting closer."

"You have suffered with these dreams of yours for three years now, what makes you so sure they actually mean anything, beyond your desire to find a mate?"

"You know my thoughts and beliefs on that matter Edmund.  I seek not just a mate brother, but, the specific one that was born just for me.  One who will be completely and thoroughly MINE.  There is no more to say on the matter."

Edmund frowned.  He knew his brother's thoughts on the matter all right.  Nor did he agree with them.  There was no way that Thorn would be able to convince him that these dreams were glimpses gifted to him of the woman who was his soul mate, the woman who would share his life through eternity.  As far as he, Edmund, was concerned, Thorn was indulging in a bout of wishful thinking and that he was due for a big disappointment.   God, in Edmond’s experience, did not work to order.

As the two men resettled to catch whatever sleep that could still be gotten out of the night, Edmund continued to shake his head in disagreement.  Five
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