Guess Who I Pulled Last Night?
practically ran itself and she was
lucky enough to have two honest and reliable girls working for her, so she
didn’t have to work as hard as she had done over the last few years.  Yes,
she realised she was now at an age where she should think about moving her life
on; but not today, maybe tomorrow when she didn’t feel quite so hung over.

Chapter 3
    Kerry and Kelvin lived on the other side of town to
Charlotte and Bets, because of this Kerry often felt she missed out on quick
cups of tea and girly chats, but deep down she knew that wasn’t true. It was to
Kerry that the others went for advice and to tell their secrets, before telling
the other one.  Because she was married with a baby she had become the
unofficial mother hen; a role that she really quite enjoyed at times.  She
knew her life was different; she had other responsibilities and she loved Kelvin
and Esme more than anything. Sometimes she missed the old single days, but then
she would think about what she had and realise that she was being silly.
    Kerry had met Kelvin at high school and they had been
childhood sweethearts throughout the third year. Then Kelvin’s hormones kicked
in, and he discovered that some girls weren’t like Kerry and would let you feel
their knockers if you asked them nicely. So ended a beautiful romance. 
Kerry wasn’t too bothered because she had discovered the boys’ school across
town - in particular the sixth form - and in any case if Kelvin had been a
little more persistent she would have most definitely let him feel her
     They met up again while the girls were out celebrating
Bet’s 25 th birthday.  They had been to a local Italian
restaurant and had decided that they would re-live some old memories and go to
the Filthy Gander.  It was now a “fun pub," and that night –
according to the poster on the window outside - was an “Old Skool 90’s
night." The girls sat at their usual table, well it was in the same place,
although Charlotte was convinced that she could make out CP 4 JD ’95, scratched
into the veneer. Charlotte reminded the girls that JD was Jamie Daniels, the
peanut in the ear patient, whom she had fancied like mad at the time. 
Suddenly, R Kelly blasted out from the DJ’s console.
    “Ah ace, c’mon girls!” screamed Kerry, who was the first up
for Bump N Grind. “Do you remember Kelvin Johnson and I used to dance to this
at Meir Street Disco?” she shouted above the noise.
    “Yes I do, and I remember Mr Brandon told you to stop
dancing provocatively as you were only thirteen,” replied Charlotte. “Do you
remember how much hair gel Kelvin used to wear?”
    They carried on dancing for a while, the old tracks bringing
back memories of school discos and furtive snogging with boys from the sixth
form, when suddenly a look of astonishment crossed Bets’ face.
    “OH MY GOD!” she screamed, pointing over at the bar. “Look
who’s over there!”
    “Who?” Charlotte and Kerry chorused.
    All three suddenly screamed and ran in the direction of two
men who had also spotted them; the aforementioned Kelvin and his best friend at
school, Russell.
    “Bloody hell, I haven’t seen you three in years, how are
    “Fine, we were just talking about you.”
    “Where’s all the hair gel?”
    “Hello Russell, how are you? You haven’t changed a bit.”
    “Cheers, I saw your brother last week.”
    Everyone spoke at once, desperate to find out what the
others had been doing.  Kelvin suggested that they all went somewhere
quieter to talk about the old days, so off they all trouped, chattering away.
    Once they all had a drink in their hands different
conversations were struck up once more, Russell talking to Charlotte and Bets,
while Kelvin chatted to Kerry.
    “So what are you doing with yourself?  I’d heard that
you’d moved to Newcastle and got engaged.”  Kerry asked.  She sipped
her drink, looking intently at Kelvin over the rim of her glass.  Suddenly
and unexpectedly
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