Guess Who I Pulled Last Night?
    “Oh I reckon you’ll do, you’ll have him eating out of your
cleavage before the nights out.”
    “Huh, don’t know what you mean,” she said, and pulled the
curtain across the cubicle once more.
    That evening as they arrived at Russell’s house the party
appeared to be in full swing.  As Bets and Charlotte admired the house
Kerry added more lip gloss to her already oil-slicked lips.
    “Well come on then,” she said, rushing up the driveway, “we
don’t want to be late.”
    Kerry knocked on the door twice, and was just about to knock
again when it was thrust open by a red faced and drunk looking Russell,
wobbling on the doorstep.
    “Wahey, hello there…Clare, quick come here, come and meet my
old school mates.”  He grabbed a rather large, pretty woman away from a
throng of people enjoying a drinking race.  “Clare meet Charlotte, Bets
and Kerry, girls meet my missus, Clare.”
    Clare smiled and pulled them all into a huge hug. “Nice to
meet you girls. Give Russell your coats and bottles and I’ll sort you some
drinks out, then perhaps you’ll be nicely tiddly Kerry by the time Kelvin gets
    “But…” stammered Kerry as they were pulled away into a
packed kitchen towards the booze.
    Ten minutes later, glasses in hand, the girls had started
their usual party process of splitting up into a pincer movement.  This
way they could observe the other guests, ready to swap notes later.  Back
at the base camp of the booze table, Charlotte was already back when Bets
    “Well he’s okay over there,” Bets sneakily nodded in the
direction of the fridge, “…the one with the leather trousers on.”
    “No way, he’s far too camp, and probably old enough to be
your dad, and who wears leather trousers these days?  What about him over
    Bets almost choked on the peanuts she was shovelling in her
mouth.  “Please be serious, anyway he’s with that skinny bird in the
lounge,” Charlotte looked at her quizzically. “The one that looks like Deirdre
    Charlotte nodded in recognition. “Where’s Kerry by the way?”
she asked.
    Bets nodded in Kerry’s direction as she approached them. 
“So what about you Kerry, spotted anything useful, or hasn’t he arrived yet?”
    Just then a gust of wind from the hallway signalled that
someone else had made an entrance.
    “Yep, I think I have.  Listen if I seem busy later just
get a taxi without me.”  With that Kerry marched off in the direction of
the latecomer, to be swept up into his overcoat and given a warm, welcoming
kiss on her glossy lips.
    “I see Kelvin has arrived then,” said Charlotte, frowning. “I
suppose we’ll be splitting the taxi two ways then.”
    “Lucky bugger, the rest of them here are pretty rank to say
the least,” replied Bets grumpily. “Come on, we might as well get drunk and see
who can add to their Ugly Bloke list.”
    That had been almost exactly five years ago, and Kerry and
Kelvin had been blissfully happy ever since - sickeningly so, according to
Charlotte and Bets.  They were engaged within six months and married
eighteen months after that and then, two years later on Boxing Day, Esme Kate
Johnson was born.
    “You know, Esme,” whispered Kerry, looking down on her
sleeping baby, “your mummy is very lucky.  She’s got you and she’s got
Daddy and a lovely home and…” Kerry sighed looking out onto the grey October
day, “…I celebrated three happy years of marriage in September. I have got
three more months still on maternity leave, got the two best friends that
anyone could have…so why do I feel so sad?”

Chapter 4
    It was cold and grey outside, and although Charlotte wasn’t
out of bed yet, she could tell because the tip of her nose was icy.  She
looked at her bedside clock; it said 6:45 a.m., the green figures urging her to
get up. Charlotte was a real creature of comfort and would have loved to stay
there a while longer, all warm and cosy
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