Green-Eyed Monster
and flushed. They always did that. It was her embarrassing telltale. She was tantalizingly aware of the cool hands nestling between them. The flush scorched up her neck, heating her cheeks. It happened when she was turned on. Turned on? Yes, yes, I am. Very, very turned on.
    It amazed her that she should feel this way. How wrong it was. How wrong to feel attraction to her captive. Stockholm Syndrome, wasn’t it? But surely it was supposed to be the other way around, her captive fixating on her? Oh God, don’t tell me I can’t even get Stockholm Syndrome right.
    Her state of arousal honestly acknowledged, she was now acutely conscious of the potent little woman humming into her mouth like a very angry bee. After the initial shock, it seemed her captive had regained her righteous indignation and needed to vent. She reluctantly released the swollen lips, freeing the torrent of outrage she had so delightfully corked. And she knew she deserved every word of it. She had definitely taken advantage of the circumstances. Carefully, Mickey pushed the cuffed hands out from under her top and stood up, ready for incoming fire.
    “What the hell was that? How dare you. How dare you maul me. Get your hands off. I swear if you so much as touch—”
    “Get over it. It was necessary. I didn’t see him coming until the last second, or believe me, you’d have been gagged and back in that garage faster than a blink.”
    “Necessary, my ass. Why were my hands stuffed up your sweater, freako?”
    “To hide your cuffs, Einstein. I ain’t joking about that garage either. Want to go visit it for a few hours? It’s nice and cold.
    Might cool you off a little.” Why am I defending myself to Little Miss Razor Wire? I’m the damned kidnapper!
    “Don’t you threaten me, you…you groper.”
    “Hey. You’re the one who groped me, remember?”
    “I never did. You made me. You shoved—”
    “Enough.” Mickey threw a hand up to halt the onslaught before realizing that her blindfolded captive could not witness the grand gesture. “I’m putting you back in your room. I got work to do, and you can lie quietly for once and listen to that audio book I downloaded for you. And if I hear so much as one peep , I swear it’s a gag and the garage for you. Got it?” Mickey needed to sit down at her computer and get lost in the only world she understood and was master of. She had to completely remove herself from the madness this little madam always managed to promote in her, if only for one blessed hour of peace. Grabbing an arm, she bundled her fuming detainee back up the hall. Still very shaken after the close call, Mickey had to sit and think. She had to reformulate her kidnap plans. And whether she cared to admit it or not, process that unexpected kiss.

Chapter Four
    Mickey had stomped off to do whatever it was she did in the back room, leaving her captive tethered to the bed to contemplate their bizarrely interrupted afternoon.
    Her skin flushed at the memory of the heated softness of Mickey’s breasts, her tied hands nestling in that silken valley. It had been an extremely pleasant, mind-numbing sensation. And along with that blazer of a kiss, totally corrupting. Enough to blow the only opportunity for rescue she was ever likely to get.
    It was aggravating beyond words that her logic had been so easily derailed by a kiss and a pair of boobs—all tossed out the window in one breathtaking moment.
    No, she couldn’t dwell on it anymore. She had to escape, free herself. It was too confusing and distracting, all these thoughts and feelings were rampaging through her like a hormone derby.
    Her hormones were obviously out of control. It had been months since she’d been sexual. She snorted to herself . And what a fiasco that had been. Lesbian bed death, rigor mortis, and private funeral had all passed through her bedroom at alarming speed. In lieu of flowers, please send donations to my vibrator fund .
    She groaned. She was horny. So did not
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