Happy Is The Bride

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Book: Happy Is The Bride Read Online Free PDF
Author: Caroline Clemmons
against him, and held on. Dear Lord, and she'd asked him to marry her be cause of a bet. She should tell him, confess right now. But she knew his temper and his hard-shelled pride. If he found out, that pride of his would drive him away. She couldn't bear another cancelled wedding. More, she couldn't bear losing Mason as her best friend and their future together.
    Now she was forced to face the question of whether she loved Mason as a man or just as a friend? She hadn't considered that. She'd been so determined to show her cousin Rachel and stop the laughter and humiliation that she hadn't stopped to consider the consequences for Mason.
    How selfish she'd been. The knowledge made her ashamed of her hasty proposal. Then she remem bered that when she decided to find her own groom, she hadn't considered anyone but Mason.
    Did she love him?
    Mrs. Pendleton's shrill voice saved Beth from an swering Mason.
    "Bethaneeeeee. Where are you?"
    "Oh, no, we'd better go around by the wagons. Mother sounds upset with me." She loathed breaking contact with him, but stepped away. "Soon I'll be out of yelling distance, even for her." She laughed, wishing it were funny instead of sad.
    Nothing she did would ever please her mother. Heaven knew she'd tried for twenty-eight years. She couldn't remember one time when her mother had a kind word for her, not even one.
    Mason grabbed her hand. "Knowing my temper, I can't promise I'll never yell at you, but I give you my word I'll try not to."
    "You haven't yelled at me yet And I'll try hard to be the best wife in the world, the kind you deserve."
    Mason loved her.
    Why hadn't she seen that? He'd always been so thoughtful of her every wish, listened to her secrets, took up for her against anyone who said hurtful things to her.
    "One more." He swept her to him in a fervent em brace.
    Beth slid her arms around his neck. Who would have dreamed kissing Mason would render her into a melting puddle? But it did, and she wanted to con tinue for a long time.
    She wanted him to touch her breast again. Did that make her wanton? Her mother insisted only harlots enjoyed the things that went on between men and women.
    Someone coughed. "Boss?"
    Mason and Beth jumped. She knew her face red dened at being caught in Mason's arms.
    Rowdy pretended to look away. "Mrs. Pendleton made me come fetch you two back up there right away. She seems all het up, and I reckon you'd better hurry along before she has a spell or something."
    "Thanks, tell her we're on our way." Mason took Beth's hand and smiled. "In a few hours, no one can interrupt us."
    His words gave Beth hope. They rounded the corn er pillar and climbed the slope to the front of the chapel.
    At the buckboard, Mason held her hand and looked into her eyes. "Guess Rowdy and me better get this straw spread. I'm expected at my folks later this morning."
    Mrs. Pendleton tapped her foot. "Straw's not nec essary, but if you've nothing better to do, I suppose it won't hurt."
    Rowdy helped Mrs. Pendleton and Beulah climb onto the buckboard. Beulah took the reins, but smiled at Beth and Mason and waited patiently.
    Mrs. Pendleton snapped open her parasol. "Bethany, we don't have time to dally all day."
    Beth sighed, wishing as she had many times that her mother was a kinder, more patient person. No matter, soon she and Mason would answer only to each other. Mason still held her hand, and she squeezed his fingers before she pulled free. "I have to go."
    Mason pecked her on the cheek. "Yeah, I know, but it won't be long until we're wed." He helped her up and stepped back. "See you later."
    Beth waved. "In a few hours." She thought ahead to tonight when they'd come together and knew she blushed.
    His eyes darkened. Plainly, his feelings matched hers. She recalled his words about seeing her naked and wondered how her body would look to him. Would she disappoint him?
    Beth hoped not. All her life she'd disappointed her parents, though she tried hard to please them. She had no
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