Goblin Moon

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Book: Goblin Moon Read Online Free PDF
Author: Candace Sams
Whoever muscleman was, if he thought he was going to turn her into a helpless, blubbering victim, he had another think coming. Whatever his plans were, someone wanted her alive. Kathy saw his strange eyes narrow and wondered if she'd gone too far.
    He walked slowly around the room. The Sorceress could have explained something to the woman. How was he supposed to tell her about the creatures in the woods outside, or that she was seeing him in an altered form? He decided the basics would be enough for this first meeting. “My name is Tearach Bruce. You're here to help us."
    "I wish I could say it's a pleasure, but you'll understand if it isn't?” She smiled sarcastically and crossed her arms over her chest. “And who exactly is us and where is here ?"
    He sighed and ran a hand over his face. The little baggage had a temper, though she was controlling it. At the moment, his wasn't so manageable. Grudgingly, he had to give her credit for nerve. His promise to Cairna came to mind. He took a deep breath and tried to be tactful. “I can't tell you where you are. As to who we are ... You might say you're in the middle of a world of misfits, Miss Parker."
    She nodded, stood up and looked him straight in the eyes. “You know someone's going to come looking for me, don't you?"
    "Actually, I'm fairly sure they won't. You're new in London, your rent and utilities are paid by bank draft, and you currently work as a temporary secretary. You have no family or friends here. Your employer will replace you with someone else when you don't show up. In short, Miss Parker, no one is looking for you."
    He had the satisfaction of seeing her eyes widen and her jaw slightly drop. Then he saw a nerve in her jaw pulse and pain darken her gaze. But it was quickly hidden and her mask of controlled anger slid back into place. He gave her points for composure.
    "All right. Whoever you are, you've done your homework. Since you know all about me, you know I have no money or anything else of value.” She stalked to the windows and stared outside. “What could I possibly do to help you, and what incentive would I possibly have for doing so?"
    "Perhaps the incentive to survive?"
    She slowly turned and her gaze was icy. “There are worse things than not surviving, Mr. Bruce. You'll have to do better than that. And, as I've already pointed out, if you wanted me dead, I would be."
    He knew there truly were worse things than death. What event had taught this haughty beauty that particular lesson? She wasn't hiding her emotions any longer. She was enraged and that made her dangerous. Looking into those glacial eyes, he truly believed the threat of harm wouldn't work on her. She simply wasn't wired that way. He tried another tack. “I'm not in a position to promise you anything. But if you cooperate, I can try to get you released from this room."
    "What would my cooperation entail?"
    "A promise to not try to escape. It isn't as if you'd get far at any rate. The forest surrounding this building is very large and well guarded."
    She shook her head. “I'll run the first chance I get, and I'll fight anyone who tries to stop me."
    "Why not lie and tell me otherwise?” he asked, intrigued by her honesty.
    "My part in this little play requires that I try to escape. That's the way it works. You kidnap someone, and they try to get away.” She paused. “Now, I'm going to ask again. What on Earth could you want with me? I'm a secretary . I don't have access to national secrets, affairs of the royal household or the weather forecast. Why was I kidnapped?"
    Herne, she was bold! As the minutes ticked by, he found himself impressed with her when he didn't want to be. It irked him no end. “In time, you'll understand everything."
    He quickly turned to leave before she could say anything else he didn't want to hear. Something else that could actually make him admire her grit.
    "What about your offer to let me out of this room?"
    "What about your promise to try to
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