Goblin Moon

Goblin Moon Read Online Free PDF

Book: Goblin Moon Read Online Free PDF
Author: Candace Sams
    The woman stood by the fireplace. She wore a pale blue bathrobe. Her blond hair was loosely piled on top of her head, and an image of Venus entered his mind. She was tall, lean and moved toward him with the grace of a cat. The tightly belted robe revealed a small waist and high, full breasts. But it was the color of her eyes which captured him. They were the same unusual aqua shade he'd glimpsed during the kidnapping. In them, he saw wariness and curiosity. But no fear. For some strange reason, that intrigued him. He imagined she'd be cowering in a corner, begging to be set free.
    Kathy would remember this moment for the rest of her life. Well over six feet, this man's long, straight hair had an unearthly, blue-black sheen to it. It fell in sheets across exceedingly well-developed shoulders and chest. Strands of the thick stuff fell over eyes so dark there seemed to be no pupils at all. Even his skin was dark, as if he spent time in a tanning salon. The line of his jaw was square and his full lips were set in a determined, straight line. His clothing seemed ordinary enough for someone who kept themselves outdoors. He wore a blue cambric shirt, half open and tucked into blue jeans. His footwear consisted of some kind of leather moccasin. Probably the type that laced up to the knee.
    But it wasn't his clothing that revealed the most about him. Her gaze went back to his face. Something about his eyes weren't quite right. The black irises were too large and covered more of the white part than normal. Unless this man was on some kind of drug, there was something wrong with them. She'd never seen anything quite like them and wouldn't have noticed under normal circumstances. But this godlike brute had kidnapped her. She wanted to remember everything she could.
    "You're one of the men from the park.” She addressed him first, holding her head up higher as she did so. He wasn't going to get any satisfaction from watching her lose control. That's typically what a kidnapper wanted. To control his victim.
    "Yes. Have you been told anything about why you've been brought here?"
    She swallowed hard at the sound of his deep, masculine voice, which held a note of menace. But she'd been in tough situations before. “I've met someone named Shayla. She's spent most of the day trying to convince me that I can be more useful here than in London ... wherever here is. But she won't explain just what it is I'm supposed to do or why you people want me."
    She spoke in a low, clear tone. There was nothing in her voice to indicate she was frightened. Tearach moved toward the open windows of the narrow room. A cool breeze blew the filmy curtains to one side. Normally, it would have been calming. In the small room it only set his nerves on edge. When he turned, the woman was right behind him. Her proximity was unexpected. A Goblin's senses were keener than most, and his seemed to have temporarily deserted him.
    "Can you tell me what this is about?” she asked.
    Damn you, Shayla Gallagher. He should have known the Sorceress would leave everything for him to explain. “I'm not sure how much I can reveal. But I can tell you that you won't be harmed."
    She nodded. “I know that. If you'd wanted to hurt me, you'd have done it by now. I wouldn't have been given five-star meals, a beautiful room with a lovely garden view, or a pure silk robe to wear. Someone wants me to be very comfortable. And someone has excellent taste in wine. So, I know you don't want me dead. How am I doing so far?"
    Tearach was absolutely floored. This woman was taking her abduction in perfect stride, and he found the fact greatly irritating. She should at least be crying or begging to be set free. To take some of the wind out of her sails, he resorted to being blunt. “You'd better sit down, Miss Parker. What I have to say isn't going to be easy to hear."
    "So, you know my name. Care to share yours ? Or should I just call you predator?” Kathy sat in the nearest chair.
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