
Glow Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Glow Read Online Free PDF
Author: Molly Bryant
Tags: Contemporary
didn't look like I were having a
    I watched a tall, well built, tan skinned guy make his way over to my table.
He fell for the bait, now all I need is to yank the pole and reel his ass in. He
ran his fingers through his messy blonde hair as he casually approached my
table with a smile upon his face. The fashionista that I am, I let my eyes
wander his body taking in his nice sense of style in his faded Diesel blue
jeans, and tight fitted white Calvin Klein t-shirt. I'd recognize the Klein
stitching anywhere.
“Hey,” he says as he grabs a chair and scoots it close to me.
“Well, hello there,” I say playfully.
“There is noway that someone like yourself is sitting here alone,” he looked
into my eyes. His eyes were gray and glistening with lust and curiosity.
    I smiled. “No, my friend Ben is over there,” I pointed toward the bar at Ben
who was now closer to the woman, touching her face and making her blush. I
knew it! Just like the others. I sighed.
“Ah, I see,” he laughed. “What's your name?”
I stared into his gray eyes. “My name is Vanessa,” I smiled.
    He held his hand out. “I'm Jordan,”
I shook his hand. His shake wasn't strong, it was a softer shake. He is
sensitive to woman. I know this is true because my dad always told me that
when a guy shakes your hand and it's a strong shake, that they want to be in
control of the relationship which could lead to all sorts of relationship issues.
Verses a guy who lightly shakes a woman's hand, he has respect for her, he
has a compassion for woman and isn't so worried about being a control freak.
I then realized that I was too nervous to pay attention to my hand shake with
Ben. Was it strong? Or soft? I blinked quickly erasing my thoughts to see
Jordan smiling at me, I relaxed more.
“Nice to meet you, Jordan,”
“Likewise,” he smirked.
    A few hours, a few drinks, and a lot of conversation with Jordan later, I am
three sheets to the wind. Ben stayed with his...thing- dancing and talking to
her. Every once in awhile when I would glance at him, he was already
looking at me. He was watching out for me which also made me feel a bit
more relaxed.
    It was nice getting to know Jordan as I discovered that he is interning at his
fathers architect business. He is successful, which is something I look for in a
guy. In my book, there is no excuse for laziness.
“What is it you do?” he asked then grabbed my hand and held it. I felt my
stomach go crazy with all sorts of butterflies.
“I am senior editor at the magazine Glow,” I smiled.
    “No kidding?” he asked shockingly. “So you are the famous Vanessa
Montello,” he smiled. “I was thinking that you looked familiar but I couldn't
figure out why,”
I nodded a little unsure about his reaction to knowing who I am. It could be a
good thing, or a bad thing.
“Remember, my dad's an architect, he designed the water wall in your lobby.
I was there with him often.” he pressed.
    I thought about it for a moment and remembered a handsome blonde guy
with the architect. I would catch him staring at me as I walked into the
building. I thought he was cute, but you know me, work comes first.
“Oh,” I laughed. “That's right!”
“I think your writing is great, by the way,” I could tell that he was slightly
    “I more over see the articles now verses actually writing them anymore. But
which one did you like the most?” I asked curiously, wondering if he actually
has read something I have written or if it was to try and get to me.
“It's seriously kind of embarrassing, really.” he swirled his straw in his glass
of whiskey and coke.
“Aw, no, it's okay,” I rubbed his arm for reassurance.
“Well, my mom told me to read an article about how 'Nice Guys Finish Last'
and I did, it was great... and very true,” he laughed.
    “You read that?” I asked in awe. I could see why, he truly was a sweet guy.
“Yes,” he nodded. “Do you want to dance?”
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