Getting Even

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Book: Getting Even Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sarah Rayner
dying to find out, and Chloë’s departure had created a vacancy for a confidante. “Talking of sex … How well do you know Dan?”
    â€œDan?” Ivy sounded surprised. “What do you mean? Goodness! You didn’t think anything was going on between us, did you?”
    â€œNo, no. It’s just you said you know him, and I wondered … we’ve been out for a few drinks together, yet he’s never talked about seeing anyone.”
    â€œI mean, I’m meeting him later, for instance.”
    â€œHe invited you out?”
    â€œWell…” In truth Rob had asked Dan, but was loath to admit being so keen.
    â€œAre you asking if I believe Dan Cohen is gay?”
    â€œEr … I suppose so.” Rob knew his own sexuality was so transparent Ivy would take it for granted, and wasn’t perturbed by her assumption. He was more concerned he shouldn’t look like a lovesick puppy in front of someone he wished to impress.
    Ivy’s face registered understanding. “Do you fancy him?”
    Rob was longing to confess. “I think he’s lovely .”
    â€œWell I never!”
    Is it that surprising I’d fancy him? thought Rob. He’s very attractive, and seems a really genuine guy. Perhaps the notion he’s gay—or at least persuadable—hasn’t occurred to Ivy. Dan is pretty macho, in an understated way.
    â€œIt’s only I reckon he might like me,” he said. “He’s always so friendly it’s hard to tell. Normally I know if someone’s interested or not, but he’s quite elusive—whenever I mention his love life he changes the subject. He certainly never talks about having a girlfriend—he’s not even mentioned fancying anyone in all the months I’ve been seeing him.”
    â€œMm. How strange.” Ivy examined her well-manicured nails, checking she’d not broken any during her workout. “What an intriguing thought. I wonder if he’s not out of the closet yet … I’ve never really seen him around enough gay men to tell.”
    â€œThat’s what I wondered.” Rob danced a little jig inside. Maybe there was hope. Impulsively, he asked, “You doing anything later?”
    Ivy hesitated, plainly unwilling to commit until she knew what to. “Why?”
    â€œPerhaps you could join us.”
    â€œWe’ll be at Lucifer’s on Dean Street from about nine.” Rob grew excited at the thought. “After all, you work with Dan—”
    â€œâ€”and Dan recommended me to you, so it wouldn’t seem odd, all hooking up. Then you could see how he behaves with me. Watch, and—if you don’t mind—tell me what you think.”
    â€œSure,” said Ivy. “If it’s just a quick drink later on, why not? I’ve got to meet someone straight after work, but that shouldn’t take the whole evening. I’ll get there as soon as I can.”
    *   *   *
    â€œHi, sweetie.” That Orianna whisked her book out of sight under the desk the moment Ivy returned didn’t escape her notice. “What are you reading now ?”
    Sheepishly Orianna lifted the paperback.
    â€œ The Betrothal ,” said Ivy, peering at the title. She leaned forward and squinted at the back cover. “‘ Amy and Saul. Forced to wed by cruel circumstance. Will it turn out to be a marriage in name only? Sexual passion that quickly burns out? Or could it actually be love? ’ Orianna, honestly!”
    â€œThat looks dreadful!”
    â€œI like it!”
    â€œOh well. Each to their own.” Ivy knew there would be no stopping Orianna—her appetite for romantic fiction was voracious. The only prerequisite was she had to be confident the story had a happy ending. Ivy had witnessed a few occasions when Orianna had been duped into reading
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