Freefall (The Indigo Lounge Series, #5)
skids to a stop at the exact point where the road ends.
    For several seconds, her breath gusts out in loud, gulping heaves, her eyes frozen in a wide-eyed fear.
    Then she explodes at me. I easily block her blows, my arms gripping her as fear turns to anger.
    “You are a FUCKING ASSHOLE!”

Chapter 4
    I throw open the door and drag her out through my side, making sure her feet don’t touch the frozen ground.
    “Get your hands off me!” She flails against me.
    I don’t stop until I round the hood and set her down on it. When she tries to stand, I stay her by inserting myself between her thighs. She’s too high on adrenaline to notice how amped up I am on my own adrenaline. And also by her state of undress.
    “What the hell is wrong with you? And hour ago you bit my head off because you thought I wanted to kill myself, and what, now you’re helping me achieve the same goal?”
    “I had no intention of killing us,” I reply. The car’s interior lights and bright headlights bathe her in a soft glow. Her near-dry hair is wild from her antics, and my attention is riveted to the pulse racing at her throat. “We were doing two hundred and ten on a mile and a half stretch of road. I calculated the distance and horsepower and knew the exact moment to apply the brakes. Of course, I didn’t calculate your nails digging into my thigh. Good thing I can control my urges, or we’d be wrapped around that white oak tree behind me by now.”
    She gapes up at me, not sure what to make of my calm, matter-of-fact tone. Then she inhales sharply and shakes her head. “God, you’re crazy!”
    “Am I?” I move closer, sliding my hands up from her covered arms to her shoulders. Her soft, silky hair caresses my fingers as I massage the tension from her rigid muscles. “Your blood is pumping and your heart is racing and right now, all you can think about is how glad you are to be alive. And in about a minute, your body will begin finding ways to disperse all that adrenaline.” I move a hand down her throat, pausing to feel her pulse hammer beneath my fingers, then I travel lower, between her warm breasts and heaving chest to where her robe is still secured by the belt. With a firm tug, I release the belt and her robe falls open.
    “What the hell are you doing?”
    She starts to close the gap, but I quickly capture her hands in one of mine. I press her back against the hood of the still-running engine and lean over her. Her eyes widen, but I’m satisfied to see it’s not with fear. Although a touch of fear would’ve been welcome at this point. This woman is far too cocky for her own good.
    “You promised me you wouldn’t swear. Or call me Rusty. You failed on both accounts.”
    She struggles against my hold, but she’s no match for me. Not that it stops her getting in my face though. “You were trying to kill me, you bastard! I would’ve said anything to make sure that didn’t happen.”
    I lean in closer, until our mouths are a scant inch apart, until I can feel her breath mingle with mine. “So you lied?” I say softly.
    “Look...Mason, I don’t know what kind of trip you’re on, but I’m freezing. You wanted to get some air, I’m guessing with a side order of death wish driving. You’ve done that, so can we go back now?”
    “Not until we find a way to deal with your excess adrenaline. And address your foul mouth in the bargain.”
    She swallows. I watch the movement of her slender throat, my own pulse nowhere near settled. Somewhere between yanking her from death by freezing and her turning up at the pool house, my interest has dialed up from zero to infinite. I want her with a craving that is unnerving.
    I look back up and see the moment she senses the change in me. I almost feel sorry for her. She twists away and tries to dislodge me from between her thighs.
    That’s when I look down. And freeze.
    I knew she wasn’t wearing a bra but I’m unprepared for her total nakedness beneath the robe.
    “You got
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