Fortunes Obsession

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Book: Fortunes Obsession Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jerome Reyer
technically proficient who do not have leadership qualities.  He was sent to flight school and became an
    excellent pilot but again, whenever teamwork or leadership was required, his personality  surfaced to haunt him again.  He knew that without a command, he would never get to be a Captain, no less an Admiral.  It was a necessity to, " Have your ticket punched", with command experience to achieve those ranks.  Men like Hyman Rickover, who achieved flag rank through his technical acumen
    were rare in the armed services.  When the astronaut program chose him, he was elated.  He knew that this could be his ticket to success in the Navy.  He trained hard and achieved a knowledge of space exploration and travel that was second to none.  After several altercations with fellow astronauts, both male and female, it was determined that he would have been a wonderful astronaut at the time of John Glenn and his fellow astronauts, when men went into space alone.  The current space probes, however, involved five to seven astronauts of divergent nationalities, armed services and even sexes to co- exist in cramped quarters for large periods of time.  He was finally sent to a team of psychiatrists, who recommended to a NASA board, that Lt. Commander Collins be dropped from the program.  He was sent to a desk job in the Pentagon and finally, out of complete boredom, resigned his commission.
         When he drank, his normally quiet personality, changed to verbosity.  His drunken ramblings on were so public, that it was only a matter of time until someone else with animosity toward America would hear him and make use of his talents and hatred.
          There is a certain sexual chemistry that occurs only occasionally between a man and a woman.  It is the love at first sight that occurs in story and song, one that is based on something even deeper than pure animal sexual attraction.  When it occurs with two people at once it's effect is devastating.
         When the elevator stopped at the thirtieth floor, Peter Fortune, six feet two inches tall, light brown hair, steel blue eyes  and near movie star good looks, age thirty eight, took one look at Dara Morgan, five feet nine inches tall, blond hair, steel blue eyes and near movie star good looks, age twenty nine and fell in love. There were five other people in the elevator but at that moment they were blurred like a photo with low depth of field, where only the subject is sharp and defined.  Her eyes met his and at that moment he had no way of knowing that she was feeling exactly the same thing.  He felt lightheaded and broke into a cold sweat.  He was aware of a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach.
         Dara saw the young man walk into the elevator and felt as if her knees were buckling beneath her.  Her mouth felt dry and a yearning sensation came over her without her knowledge of what it was for.  She was conscious of his eyes leaving hers for a second to look at her hands.  She realized he was checking for a wedding or engagement ring.  For all of her wild secret life, she had no idea of how to get acquainted.  She prayed that he would make the first move but she knew that before he left her sight, she would do something.
         Peter was relieved when he saw no wedding or engagement rings
    on her finger.  Picking up girls in public was not his forte. Most of the women he had met in his life, he had encountered  at parties or in various offices he visited.  When it came to striking up a conversation with a stranger, he was tongue tied.  For the remainder of the descent, their eyes were fixed on each others. The look on their faces was hard to describe.  It was not the look of two people staring each other down but rather a look of adoration.
    The two seemed to be floating on a cloud, detached from reality.
    They could see more than each other's beauty.  They sensed an
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