the look of being custom made as suits often do on men of his build. His thick black hair was meticulously styled and combed and he smelled of expensive cologne. Faisal Mahdi wore native middle eastern garb, including a brimless hat that covered his whole head. He was also in the age group of Fahd and Bokaar, making Bey look even younger.
Bey spoke, " So it is settled, if he has the documents with him, we take him out to dinner and then kill him and dispose of the body?"
"Exactly", said Mahdi," He wants a million dollars for what he has. If we can get them for nothing, the movement benefits."
Bey looked in deep thought. "On the other hand, this man is a great source. He is probably the most successful broker of this kind of thing we have at our disposal. I'm having second
thoughts about killing him."
" He won't bring the documents anyway. He's not that stupid.
Aside from that, I want that woman of his. I want it to be part of the deal. I want to fuck her and kill her." Bokaar smiled his evil smile exposing his stained teeth.
" It won't be part of the deal, we can't afford to have people like you with their brains between their legs. You will find another way to get this woman. I know it." Bey smiled his own satanic smile but this one with perfect teeth as white as snow.
" Okay", said Mahdi, " If he has the papers , we kill him, if he doesn't, we offer him seven hundred fifty thousand with half up front. We get the documents.......then we kill him."
" Bokaar got in the last words. " And then I fuck his girl friend and then you fuck his girl friend and then you fuck his girl friend......................and then we kill HER."
The room rang with the laughter of the three men.
Farley Collins sat in his living room with an outrageous hangover, staring into space. He held the Trans- Orient Silk business card in his hand. He decided to find the man in the park and demand to be part of whatever the plot was. Hell, it wasn't that he wanted any money. All he wanted was to be part of the show.
He would sober up for a few days. It was funny. He never drank when there was something valid for him to do. Drinking was never a problem when he was in the navy. He would clean up
and get himself a haircut and dress in his best suit, so that he would look reliable. He would go on an exercise regimen to harden his body in preparation for any tough quasi military operation. The excitement coursed through his veins and he felt as alive as he had felt in weeks. He had the same feeling of exhilaration that came over him several weeks ago when he exchanged the documents. He busied himself immediately. They couldn't possibly turn him down, not with his training and experience.
When he attended college, he was a stalwart in track and field, never a team sport. He never ran in the relays and was on his own in competition, a situation that suited his loner personality
and lack of teamwork. He had very few friends and no love life at all. Farley Collins was neuter sexually. He had no desire for physical contact with women or men. This eccentricity gave him a reputation amongst men of being gay. He had been approached at that time by several gay men and had responded with violence. He was very handsome and women were sometimes bold in their approach.
He rejected them, not with violence but with a derisive nastiness which sometimes reduced them to tears. His record in naval ROTC was tops in his class. He excelled in all things physical and technical and impressed his superiors to the point at which they were recruiting him as a career naval officer as if he were a high school football star being recruited by a major college program.
Although he preferred command, there is always room in the armed services for the