Fort Morgan
unable to
help them.
    A wave of despair came over him. The feeling
was so intense that he slumped forward with the weight of it.
    Then Rodney laughed. Despair didn’t get him
when he was in prison and it wasn’t going to get him tonight.
Someone thought he should be stuck out of the way. They also got
rid of Delphie, Jacob, and that little kid Keenan.
    Rodney smiled to himself. Whoever was
pretending to be Ne Ne had made a big mistake by sending him here.
He might not be able to save Yvonne. He couldn’t help Tanesha. But
he sure as hell could find Jacob, Delphie, and Keenan. He could
save them.
    Humming “Hello Brother” by Louis Armstrong,
Rodney set off into the Sea of Amber to find the others.
    In her tiny fairy corps form, Tanesha flew
just next to her mother’s ear. She found flying to be exhilarating
and exhausting at the same time. Her mother was walking fast. The
creature Dionne had called “Gino” walked ahead of them as if he
were leading the way.
    “ You okay?” Dionne
    “ Okay?” Yvonne
    “ You know, with that guy
and all,” Dionne said.
    “ Oh.” Yvonne fell silent
for a moment. “No, no, I’m not really okay.”
    Yvonne nodded to Dionne.
    “ In fact, I feel
very. . . “ Yvonne nodded to herself, “. . .
    “ I bet,” Dionne
    “ What’s Rodney going to
say?” Yvonne asked.
    “ Did you make it out
alive?” Dionne asked.
    “ You don’t think he’ll be
mad at me?” Yvonne asked.
    “ Not at you,” Dionne said.
“No, I don’t.”
    “ What would Bumpy say, you
know, if it was you?” Yvonne asked.
    “ He’d be mad, sure,”
Dionne said. “But not at me. He’d figure a way to get his revenge
on the guy who hurt me, violated me.”
    “ Oh,” Yvonne said. “I
guess that makes sense.”
    “ Rodney is your husband,
not your owner,” Dionne said.
    “ Why, that’s right!”
Yvonne said with a smile. “We should call him.”
    “ No phone calls,” Gino
said. “Not until we’re out of the building. Sorry.”
    “ Why?” Dionne
    “ There’s just some stuff
going on,” Gino said. “Some fed thing. They’re going to try to get
Jeff to show them where all of his assets are hidden. If they can
get him to reveal everything, he’ll get a better deal. My bets on
them not bein’ able to do it.”
    “ You know Jeff well?”
Yvonne asked. Her voice was mild but Tanesha could tell she was
angry with this Gino.
    “ Yes,” Gino said. “We went
to high school together. He wanted to be made when we were growing
up, but my dad didn’t trust him. When he was in college he realized
he could get everything he wanted bankrolling this
    Gino gestured to his right and turned down
the hallway. Alex Hargreaves and the accountant-looking guy from
her team stood in the middle of the hallway. They were deep in
conversation. Alex’s brow was furrowed. Tanesha thought she looked
    “ Look,” Yvonne said with a
bright smile. “It’s Alex and Matthew.”
    Yvonne waved and Matthew
smiled. Alex gave a slight shake of her head toward the empty space
next to her. Tanesha gasped. There was the ghost of a military
soldier floating next to Alex. Tanesha was so stunned that she
stopped flying. That’s a ghost. A real
live ghost. Matthew glanced at the spirit
before starting toward them. Alex scowled at something down the
hallway behind them. She shook her head.
    “ No!” Alex said. “Not this
way. You need to go the other way.”
    Yvonne turned to look so quickly that
Tanesha ran right into her mother’s head. Yvonne flicked her hand
at the pain, and Tanesha tumbled end over end until she landed in
Alex Hargreaves’s spiked up hair. The ghost seemed to laugh. He
said something to Alex. Her hand was moving toward her head.
Tanesha tried desperately to get out of the hair before Alex’s hand
hit her. Her movements caused her to get stuck in Alex’s stiff hair
gel. Her fairy protectors tried to pull Tanesha out but she
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