other the truth, don’t you think?”
“M.K II is the reason, if you wish the truth,” Shapinkov answered.
Vatutan’s face turned a deathly pale.
He knows, he knows, how does he know? He wanted to scream at the man, how the fuck did you know about that? Who told you?
“Yes, the FSB General,” the Doctor said. “Just the same, your knowledge regarding this project is very surprising, few people know; I’d be surprised if Putin knew anything of it. Since the beginning, this entire operation’s been considered highly restricted and secret.”
The Doctor rubbed his chin aggressively as if it agitated him. He needed some time to think. I owe the man, more than what he may need to know . “But there is still no reason for you being here now, seeing that if you had full access, you could have simply requested the data, or you could have contacted me directly through the correct channels without the need to…” The Doctor paused for a moment. “But you’re not privy, are you? Not at all --- you’re taking a mighty big gamble, Aleksandr.”
“Does that matter?” Said Shapinkov. “You asked me for the truth just a few moments before, and now I would ask you for the same. If we have anything, we have honesty.” Shapinkov could see the strain reflect onto the Doctor’s face as he considered what he should do next.
“I should arrest you now,” the Doctor said.
“You should,” answered Shapinkov.
“Doctor, shall we?” Dr .Vatutan ventured.
The Doctor suddenly chuckled to himself. “You have balls, Aleksandr,” he said before he continued, “They don’t like being left alone, or at least they don’t like to have us out of their sight for any extended period of time.”
“Doctor, you can’t---” said Vatutan.
“Shut up, Doctor Vatutan! I have known this man for over twenty years, and I’m still firmly in control of this complex, at least until this place is shut down. Now shut up and let the men speak.”
“But this is outrageous; the man has no…”
“Either shut up, or get the hell out of my sight, Captain.”
Vatutan took a step backward. The Doctor was quick to temper, but he calmed down just as fast.
“Aleksandr, please come and sit with me.” The Doctor gestured toward some chairs. “Come and let me explain, my friend.”
“After the Soviet Union collapsed, the scientific fraternity continued on with weapon’s research. With scarcer funding, we had to evolve new strategies for the use of Pathogenic Weapons; you’ve participated in one aspect of this strategy, Viktor Yushchencko. However, after the collapse of the Biopreparat, our funding practically ceased, and most of our best research scientists left the program. How many companies or schools need an anthrax specialist, Aleksandr? They were dark days…”
Shapinkov was familiar with the story; it was a common occurrence after the collapse of communism.
“Some of us found work in Iran, Iraq, others in Israel or the United States. For instance, when Kanatjan Alibekov, the former First Deputy Director of the Biopreparat defected, causing a devastating blow to all of us who remained loyal --- nearly sixty thousand men were thrown to the wind during those times, it was a disgrace. However, I believe we saved the best. You have to understand that true science is about discovery, and patriotism. Working for one’s country has its own rewards, one that we both understand, Aleksandr.”
Shapinkov nodded.
“As time drifted on, some of our research goals widened, and in 2005-6, we had begun work on the H5N1 Virus, otherwise called Bird Flu or Avian Influenza. Soon after the Beijing conference in January 2006, Putin requested that the remaining research scientists try to find a solution to a possible global pandemic --- a vaccine. Not just for Russia, but for the world! Putin believed that Russia could make billions if we discovered a working vaccine, it was the first step in turning our weapon’s