For My Brother
    “You bet. I’ll get in touch with Sandy and we’ll plan on coming over.”
    “Gotta run. Talk to you later.” Vanessa hung up without waiting for an answer.
    Jason laughed.
    “I’m sure.”
    A few minutes later, he wheeled his car into the station parking lot. The day was typical for late summer, hot with very little breeze, so the air conditioning was welcome relief as he came through the station doors. His long-time friend Dave Connor was at the sergeant’s desk.
    “Hi, Dave. How’s Vicky?”
    “Mean as ever! And Sandy?”
    “Great. Thinking a little too much about babies. Nina in yet?”
    Dave let out his big laugh. “Yeah, saw her a few minutes ago.”
    “Okay, thanks. See ya later.”
    Jason got on the elevator and pushed the third-floor button, making it glow. A few moments later, the elevator doors slid open with a ding. The entire third floor is Homicide.
    His desk sat facing Vanessa’s, the two pushed up against each other. Nina was sitting in Vanessa’s spot when he walked up.
    Black, short, stocky, with curly hair, she was the consummate officer. Jason had come to appreciate her calmness and professional demeanor when things got tense. Still, even after three months, he hadn’t got used to seeing her in Vanessa’s chair.
    Jason had just pulled out his own chair when Lieutenant Patton stuck his head out of his office.
    “You two, in here!”
    The two detectives exchanged glances and headed into the office. Nina took a chair while Jason stayed standing, leaning on the doorframe. “What’s up?”
    Lieutenant John Patton was a big man; he works out even on his days off. Balding, but with bushy eyebrows and an unruly moustache, he claimed his hair was moving from his head to his face. When he was under stress, his eyebrows would knit together to form a hedge, which was apparently the case this morning.
    He handed Nina a piece of paper.
    “I don’t like to do it, but the captain didn’t give me any choice. I have to loan you two out.”
    Jason groaned.
    “Why? What did we do to deserve this punishment?”
    “It’s not a punishment! You two are next up on the board, and so you get to help out our brothers.”
    Nina appeared less than thrilled as well.
    “It’s not a narcotics case, is it?”
    “No. A simple missing persons case. They’re covered up and need an extra set of detectives. You’re it. Go see Lieutenant Banks.”
    Jason and Nina headed to the elevator. On the way down to second floor, Nina asked what Jason knew about Lieutenant Banks.
    “Well, I’ve never met her personally, but there are stories.”
    “Oh. What kinda stories?”
    “Horror mostly.”
    Jason laughed, but Nina didn’t seem amused. “Great!”
    The elevator doors opened and they walked up to an officer at the front desk.
    “Lieutenant Banks?”
    A thumb jerked over a shoulder served as directions.
    They found Lieutenant Sarah Banks standing behind her desk. Tall with close-cropped, dark brown hair and green eyes, she was an imposing figure. Jason had heard getting on her bad side was not a good idea.
    They knocked on the door of her office, and she looked up. “Yes?”
    Jason put on a bright smile. “Lieutenant Banks?”
    “Yes?” She did not return his smile.
    “Lieutenant Patton asked us to come down and see if we can help out. I’m Detective Strong and this is Detective Jefferson.”
    “Perfect. I appreciate the help.”
    Still no smile as she rummaged around on her desk. Eventually, she found a file folder, and held it out to Jason.
    “Missing person. Twenty-eight-year-old male. Address is on the second sheet. Golfing buddy reported him missing this morning. Uniforms are there and have the location secured.”
    Jason flipped the file open as Nina took notes on what the lieutenant was saying. Lieutenant Banks went back to what she was doing before they’d come in. After a few moments, the lieutenant looked up again.
    “Is there something
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