Five Minute Man: A Contemporary Love Story

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Book: Five Minute Man: A Contemporary Love Story Read Online Free PDF
Author: Abbie Zanders
is a problem,” he said, somehow managing to keep a straight face. “Not one I’m personally familiar with, but I’ll do my best.”
    She grinned at him, her cheeks pink with an honest-to-God blush, and a little explosion went off in his chest. She had the prettiest smile. It took him a minute to realize she was holding out the tire iron to him. “Then I humbly defer to your manly expertise.”
    It took a few good tugs, but he managed to get the tire off with little trouble. He turned to ask if she had a spare, only to find her standing behind him with it in her arms. Since it was a full-size spare (another point in her favor), it covered her practically from knee to shoulder.
    “I would have gotten that,” he said, taking it from her. She shrugged, then stepped back to let him get on with it. “Least I can do.”
    “Appreciate it,” he said, meaning it. Most women wouldn’t have tried to help, would have been content to sit back and let him do all the work. Not that he’d have it any other way.
    He finished changing the tire, then carried the flat to her open trunk. After closing the lid, he removed a blue kerchief from his pocket. Rather than wiping his hands, though, he handed it to her. She looked at him, confused. Adam pointed to her forehead. “You’ve got some grease, right there.”
    Holly’s eyes widened, then her cheeks blushed that lovely shade of rose again. He thought he heard her mutter “shit” beneath her breath, but it was so softly done he wasn’t completely sure. She took the folded cloth he offered and rubbed vigorously. “Did I get it?”
    She had, but Adam couldn’t resist. “Not quite. Here, let me.” He took the kerchief and made a few gentle strokes across her brow. She stood completely still while she looked at him with those big green doe eyes. It was all he could do not to lean down and kiss the daylights out of her right then and there. He’d never felt the urge to kiss a woman quite so fiercely.
    “There,” he said, forcing himself to take a step back before he did something stupid. “That ought to do it.”
    “Thanks,” she said softly. Christ, if she didn’t stop looking at him like that, he really was going to do something stupid. Like crush that sweet little body up against his to see if his tactile memory was remotely close to the real thing. Of course, this time he’d make sure the contact lasted for more than a millisecond.
    “You know, I bet a hundred cars passed since I pulled over, and you’re the only one who stopped to help.”
    Adam didn’t know what to say to that, so he wiped the grease and dirt from his hands and said nothing. They stood there for a few moments in silence, but it wasn’t as awkward as it should have been. For some reason, Adam was reluctant to leave and kept wiping at his palm long after the grime was gone, shooting surreptitious glances at the pretty woman as he did so. Dressed casually again, hair loose, face relaxed and natural, she was even prettier than he remembered. Then she opened her mouth to say something and Adam inwardly cringed. Crap . Everything was going so good so far. He hoped to hell she wasn’t going to ask him out and ruin it. Or even worse, try to offer him something in recompense for his effort. She was cute and everything, but -
    “Thank you.”
    He blinked, waiting for her to say something else. She didn’t, and he did a little mental fist pump. “You’re welcome.”
    She smiled at him again, then turned and walked around the front of her vehicle to get in. From where he stood, it didn’t look like she was in any particular hurry to leave, either.
    “Hey,” he called on a sudden impulse as she placed her hand on the door handle. “What’s your name?”
    “Holly. Yours?”
    Good, she didn’t offer her last name. That showed intelligence and caution. “Adam. Do you like coffee, Holly?”
    She hesitated for a few seconds. Adam didn’t think he breathed during that time. Then she smiled and nodded.
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