Finding Faith

Finding Faith Read Online Free PDF

Book: Finding Faith Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ysabel Wilde
that was down the block, getting ready to turn.
    Not wanting to waste anymore time, I decided to head out on foot rather than back track to get my car. I might have a better chance of catching up with her, and it would also keep me from thinking about what I was doing before I stopped myself.

    I thanked divine intervention for the cab that was idling outside of the bar after my narrow escape. After spending the night receiving harassing texts from Brad, John was the last person I expected - or wanted - to see. Surrounded by quickly dissolving bubbles, I let out a sigh. As I settled into my tub, familiar hazel eyes bore into my brain.
    I heard a knock at my door just as the knots in my neck were starting to loosen up.
    “What the hell, can’t a girl relax for one second?” I yelled toward the hall as I dragged myself out of the water and slipped into a silky teal robe.
    It dawned on me that Grace must have been concerned and had come to check on me. How stupid did I look running away like that? Talk about embarrassing.
    “I’ll be back in a second, so don’t go disappearing on me guys,” I said to the remaining bubbles that were shining like millions of small rainbows from candles surrounding the tub.
    The knocking on the door became more frequent and picked up speed. I scurried down the dark hallway, fumbling with the robe, trying to wrap it up as I went.
    Once I reached the softly lit living room the knocking became a banging. Man, she must really be worried.
    “I’m coming already, keep your panties on, geez.”
    The embarrassment of my reaction at the bar quickly switched to irritation. I started to gear up to let Grace have it. It was her fault I ran into John. If it had been up to me I would have never gone to the bar. I was happy to have my stress-free date with the only two men who never let me down, Ben and Jerry.
    Before opening the door, I took a deep, soothing breath, soaking up summer flowers that calmed me while focusing on a knot in the light oak wood floor, counting to ten.
    I opened the door and was shocked at who was standing in the doorway.
    "It is you," he whispered as if he was looking at a ghost. "I can't believe it's really you after all this time."
    I wrapped my robe tighter around my damp body and saw him slowly eye me up and down. I took an unconscious step back into the apartment, which he took for an invitation to come in because he stepped inside and closed the door.
    "So, you've been here the whole time," he said more like a statement than a question.
    I nodded, still stunned that the love of my former life was standing right here in my home, more gorgeous than I even remembered. I felt myself start to tingle again like in the bar and I was finding it hard to breathe.
    "What the hell, Faith? What happened to you? Why did you just abandon me, your family, everything that we had?"
    I could see his chest heaving, taking in deep breaths. I could tell he was trying to control his anger but he was finding it difficult. It was seven years of emotions bottled up, ready for the cork to pop. I was afraid he would explode. But that wasn’t how John was with me. For me, yes. He was always my knight fighting for my honor. It was always a turn on knowing he would defend me that vehemently.
    But we weren’t us anymore, and hadn't been for a long time.
    He hung his head in silence for a minute, taking deeper breaths. I didn’t dare speak, concerned that I wouldn’t hear the John I used to love.
    John’s eyes shifted back and forth between hurt and anger, waiting for me to say something, anything to make all those years of pain mean something. With the grace of a big cat, he stalked toward me. I remember most things, but I don’t remember him being that secure with himself. My stomach did a nervous somersault as he approached.
    Once he reached me he held my face between both of his hands, making sure I couldn’t move and growled, “Do you have any idea how long I’ve been
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