Finally My Forever
t-shirt design. I told him I loved both.
    He stayed in there for the next two hours talking to Joan and me while we painted. He told us about his fifteen year old sister, Emily, who would have been there helping today if she hadn't been away at cheerleading camp. After he told us all about Emily, he elaborated on Micah's musical endeavors, making me even more certain that I wanted to find a way to get into Ramone's to see for myself.
    We talked the whole time we painted about things other than Jesus and the Bible, and he didn’t cry once. He was funny and sweet, and I found myself charmed by his simple, positive outlook. I would have never dreamed I'd have such a great time talking to someone like Thomas. To my own surprise, I truly liked him—I felt like I'd hang out with him even if I weren't being forced to do so by my parents.

    Chapter 4
    I painted the art room, and later that afternoon, I moved to one of the bathrooms, which was being painted a light shade of blue. I ate a late lunch sometime in between the two projects. I met several new people and had a few good conversations throughout the day, but mostly I just stayed in my own little world where all I had to do was get paint from the bucket, to the roller, to the wall.
    I saw Micah several more times during the day, but he was always in the middle of working or talking to someone else.
    There really had been a lot of work done that day. There were 20 to 30 volunteers, and all of us worked continually. It was almost 6pm when I left, and the place looked entirely different than it did when I arrived that morning. I was maybe even a little bit proud to say I'd been a part of it.
    Mrs. Bennett gave me a ride back to her house just before 6, and we barely made it there in time. I'd only been in their house for two or three minutes (barely long enough to inspect a few family pictures that were hanging on the wall) when Mike pulled up in the driveway. I was worried that if he came inside he would mention why I was there, so I thought it'd be best to meet him in the driveway.
    "There's my stepdad," I said to Mrs. Bennett who was in the kitchen. Thomas and Micah, along with their dad were still at the Happy House finishing up a few last minute things, so she and I were the only ones there. "I'm gonna run out there and meet him so he doesn’t have to get out of the truck," I called. "Thanks for having me!"
    I could hear her footsteps as she came my way. I was standing by her front door when she made it in there, and she reached out to hug me. "Thank you so much for your hard work today, sweetheart," she said. "It warms my heart that so many young people came out to help."
    I smiled, but couldn't help but feel a stab of guilt at her words. "I had fun," I said, honestly.
    She smiled sweetly. "I'm so glad. And I know Thomas really loved having you there."
    I opened the door quickly for fear that Mike would come inside. I caught him just in time. He'd already gotten out of the truck and was headed toward the front door. "Hey, you got one of my shirts!" he said with a huge smile on his face as I approached.
    "Yep," I said, looking down at it. I wanted to stay mad him, but it had been a pretty good day and I just couldn't.
    "How was it," he asked backing out of the driveway.
    "They're actually a really neat family," I said.
    He looked over the console at me with a huge grin. I wasn't looking at him, but I could see him wearing the oversized smile out of the corner my eye. "I told you," he said. "I knew you'd see the beauty of doing something like that."
    "It doesn't change the fact that I think it's unfair to be punished for what happened last night," I said, holding my ground.
    "Well that's for your mom and I to decide, and we just want what's best for you."
    I sat quietly for a minute or so, deciding whether not I should argue about what was best for me. "The Bennett's son is in a band and he's playing music tonight," I said instead. "They asked if I wanted to
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