Fatal Deception: Part I
agreement as she unlocked the door and got in. She began to ramble through her purse then and found a piece of paper. “Boy, we have a lot of groceries to get. I think I’ll drop the list off at Sal’s market and have them deliver this time around. Why don’t we grab a bite to eat?” she asked.
    Alondra suggested a new café she’d seen and they drove away. Neither noticed the vehicle that had been following them since they arrived in town, and was now behind them.
    It had been a long day, and evening began to approach. Deidra wanted to leave before nightfall, so she told the crew to pack up and call it a day. Cain secretly called Blair to let her know.
    While the camera crew packed up, Deidra slipped away to get one final look at those motorcycles.
    Marc noticed and began to follow. “Do you ride?” he asked.
    Deidra was startled as she hadn’t seen or heard him come in. She was usually very aware of her surroundings. “A little,” she replied. “I’m not the expert that you are, I’m sure,” she said.
    “Maybe we can go for a spin when this is all over,” he said. He rubbed his hand over one of his bikes staring down at it.
    She smiled from what he had just implied. “Is that an offer for a date?” she asked. She wanted to be clear on what he was saying.
    Marc’s eyes slowly moved up to meet hers, and stared deeply into them. “Maybe,” he said with a grin before turning to leave the garage.
    Deidra stood for a few seconds, and watched him leave. She began to hug herself, laughing. Her plan was going beautifully; better than she could have hoped.
    Blair was eating with Alondra when she got the call that they could come home. She told Cain that he and Marc should fend for themselves for dinner before hanging up.
    “What did Uncle Cain want?” Alondra asked while her aunt slid the phone back into her purse.
    “The magazine folks are packing it in, that’s all,” said Blair.
    “Excuse me…” said a voice from the table behind them.
    Alondra and Blair turned in response.
    “Yes?” said Blair, staring at a woman with dark, auburn hair and light brown eyes who rose from her table and came over to them.
    “Hello, my name is Geraldine, but people call me Geri.” She extended her hand to Blair who took it hesitantly. She was still unsure why this woman was making her introductions.
    “What can I do for you?” Blair asked.
    “I’m your new neighbor,” said Geri. “I moved in several days ago. I saw you come out of the road leading up to your ranch. I went for a hike the first day to get to know my place and saw the young lady racing bikes with a man I presume to be her father. You’re pretty good, girl!” Alondra smiled charily.
    “Oh, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Blair, and this is my niece Alondra. I heard someone had brought the Anderson’s place. I’m sorry I haven’t got around to welcoming you. So much is going on at our place, especially today. Why don’t you join us?” Blair asked.
    “Don’t mind if I do,” said Geri. She reached over to grab her food, drink, and belongings and Alondra went over to help.
    Blair was surprised to see Alondra take to this woman so easily, as she was usually on the defensive.
    Chapter 7
    “ Well, guess what'?” Cain hung up the phone as Marc entered the house.
    “What?” asked Marc.
    “The girls are sitting in a restaurant at this very moment, and you know what that means,” said Cain.
    “Oh no,” Marc replied. He shook his head and started toward the kitchen. There was no use putting off the inevitable. Cain followed.
    Marc opened the refrigerator while Cain came up behind him. They stared into it blankly seeing so many different containers filled with food making it hard to figure out what was what. The two were too busy trying to plan what they were going to eat, to notice they had company.
    “Gentlemen,” said Deidra, garnering their attention.
    They looked up simultaneously.
    “I was coming in to let you
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