Fatal Deception: Part I
know that we’re heading out, but I see that you two are in need of a helping hand, so I’ll send my men on, and then I’ll solve your problem.” She took complete control of the situation.
    Marc and Cain watched her disappear through the kitchen door then turned to stare at each other. Each knew what the other was thinking.
    “I don’t know, Marc,” Cain finally said.
    “Yeah, I know what you mean; Blair and her kitchen…” said Marc.
    By that time, Deidra had come back in and pushed them out of the kitchen.
    They were just hoping Blair didn’t get back in time to see another woman moving around in her domain. Maybe they could make it seem like they’d invited her to stay. They just sat back, and hoped whatever she was going to do would be quick.
    It didn’t take her long to whip something up. The smell emanating from the kitchen made their stomachs jump for joy. They soon forgot the dilemma. She put together some leftovers with fresh sides and prepared the table. The men watched her move around the place like she belonged there.
    She set the food on the table, and called them to eat. Everything looked and smelled good. They all sat down and began their meal. They laughed and talked about everything from the business to motorcycles. They were just finishing up when Blair and Alondra walked in. And they weren’t alone.
    Blair thought the smell coming from the kitchen was pretty good and wondered what the guys had cooked. She went to the dining room. When she walked in, three pairs of eyes darted over to her.
    She looked suspiciously at the table, and how it was set, knowing the guys hadn’t done it, and then her eyes came to rest on Deidra. She suddenly realized Deidra was there alone, without her crew.
    Cain jumped out of his seat, and took Blair’s shoulders guiding her into the kitchen to divert a storm. Their voices were subtle at first. Then they grew louder. Marc readjusted himself in his seat. Deidra's eyes fell on her half-eaten food, not wanting to look at Marc just yet. She knew he was uncomfortable.
    Just then, they heard a noise at the entrance of the dining area. Their eyes came to rest on Alondra standing with someone else. Marc stared at his daughter, who glared at Deidra and rushed off to the kitchen.
    Geri felt a little out of place. Marc’s eyes squinted out of curiosity. He wondered who this newcomer was and rose from his seat to greet her.
    “Hello, I’m Marc,” he said. He extended his hand and she rested her hand in his.
    “I’m Geraldine,” she said. “But you can call me Geri I met your sister-in-law and daughter in town. I’m your new neighbor. It’s seems like a bad time to come visiting.” She let out a light chuckle.
    Marc nodded and smiled. He couldn’t put his finger on it yet, but there was something very familiar about her. And she was incredibly beautiful without trying. Her skin was smooth and sienna; her makeup was very subtle; her eyes were endearing and gentle. She’d quickly taken his breath away.
    Upon realizing this, Deidra cut between the two and introduced herself.
    “And I’m Deidra,” she said and offered her hand. Geri took it, and thought she felt Deidra put a little pressure into the squeeze.
    “It’s nice to meet you both,” said Geri. She drew her hand back and put it in her pocket.
    Suddenly, the noise from the kitchen stopped, and Marc, Geri, and Deidra watched the door swing open as Blair stormed out and rushed upstairs with Alondra close behind.
    Cain reentered the room. He wanted to apologize to Deidra, but stopped in his tracks. His eyes were fixed on their guest. “Hello,” he said. His voice was a little shaky.
    Marc’s eyes rose to look at his brother. He sensed something was the matter.
    “Hello, Sir. I’m Geri,” said the new neighbor to Cain. “I moved into the Anderson’s place.”
    Cain was frozen in time for several moments. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her and was suddenly speechless. Alondra came down the stairs
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