Fair Play

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Book: Fair Play Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dakota Madison
one patiently waiting for Aaron to sow his wild oats. I was the one he was supposed to settle down with. But then Miss Middle Class swooped in and put her little claws into him.
    God, I hate her.
    After Evan’s dad pays the tab, we say our goodbyes and Evan and I head back to his car.
    “Graduate school, huh?” he says as he places his hand at the small of my back and we make our way through the parking lot. “I had no idea you were interested in furthering your education.”
    I’m interested in furthering the time I spend with Aaron Donovan , I think. But I say, “The idea just came to me.”
    “I’m sure it did,” Evan snarls. “I bet it just popped into your head as soon as Aaron said MBA.”
    “I’m surprised to see you got a new car,” I say as we a pproach his shiny new BMW M5.
    The car is hot and I know it was his prize for winning The Club house Tournament. His social club is notorious for their yearly Tournament. All of the senior guys in The Clubhouse put in several thousand dollars and the guy who sleeps with the most freshman girls wins a brand new car bought with the money in the pot. The guys in The Clubhouse have been participating in The Tournament for years. Both of Aaron’s older brothers won shiny new sports cars when they were seniors.
    I’m not sure if Evan realizes that I know all about The Tou rnament. I’ve known about it since Aaron’s oldest brother won his car and I’m sure the only reason Aaron didn’t win was because he met Rainy.
    Evan’s expression turns sullen when he looks at me. “It was a gift,” he says which isn’t completely true and it makes me want to push him on it.
    Evan opens the passenger side door for me and I hop in. The interior is posh and decked out. He’s definitely got all of the bells and whistles.
    When he hops into the driver’s side, I let out a low whistle. “This interior is fantastic.”
    “I guess,” he says dismissively. He’s clearly not impressed with the car or maybe with the way he acquired it.
    “A gift from whom?” I probe as he starts the engine. It purrs like a contented kitten.
    He ignores the question as he pulls out of the parking lot and doesn’t respond until we get on the highway.
    “The guys in my social club gave it to me,” he says without looking at me. His eyes are fixed on the nearly empty freeway.
    “They gave you a car?” I ask under the pretense of curiosity. I want to see what he’s going to say about screwing nearly every freshman girl on campus.
    We drive in silence for a while longer and I can see his jaw is growing tenser with every passing moment. Finally, he heaves a heavy sigh and says, “It was a competition. The car was the prize.”
    “What kind of competition?” I ask feigning ignorance.
    He rubs his temple and I can see he’s clearly getting uncomfortable. “I fucked more freshman girls than any other senior in the social club. And I got several extra points because two of them were virgins.”
    “You must be very proud,” I retort.
    For the first time since we’ve been on the road, he shoots me a look. It seems like he’s trying to gauge my reaction.
    “I’m not,” he replies. “To be honest, it kind of makes me sick to drive it.”
    “Evan the Conqueror is actually feeling some remorse over his numerous and vast conquests. I can’t believe it.”
    “Evan the Conqueror?” He seems surprised by the moniker which surprises me. “Where did you come up with that?”
    I laugh. “You’ve always been a one-night delight. Did you suddenly grow a conscience?”
    He waits until a loud Harley passes us before he continues. “I slept with 52 freshmen and every one of those encounters was meaningless. I won a car. All the guys high-fived me and called me their hero. It was an ego boost for like five minutes. I got my photo on the wall next to every other guy, who won The Tournament. But it’s not an accomplishment I can talk about. I can’t put it on my resume. If I ever get married,
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