Fair Play

Fair Play Read Online Free PDF

Book: Fair Play Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dakota Madison
not vice versa.
    Evan continues to look into my eyes as he moves the fork towards my lips. As he places the rich delicious chocolate into my mouth, our eyes lock and his look is so hungry and so wanting, that the combination of sensory stimulation, both visual and taste buds, sends a rush of heat and desire through my entire body and I’m nearly undone.
    “Good?” Evan asks as he watches me swallow the morsel in my mouth.
    I nod with satisfaction.
    “There’s more I want to feed you later,” he whispers into my ear.
    I give him a coy smile as I think about all of the amazing parts of Evan’s body I would love to have in my mouth.
    He scoops up another small bite of the dessert and moves it toward my mouth.
    “Don’t you want to try it?” I ask.
    “I’m enjoying watching you eat it.”
    I open my mouth and he slides the next bite in. The second bite is even more delicious and I let out a slight moan of approval. “You really need to try it,” I prod.
    Evan relents and takes a bite of the dessert. “You’re right. This is good.”
    When I glance at Evan’s mom and dad, I see his dad is devouring their dessert and his mom is looking at me like she’s already planning our wedding.
    The only guy I’ve ever considered marrying is engaged to someone else but hopefully not for very long.
    “So, Evan tells us you’re going to be taking a job at your dad’s advertising firm,” Evan’s mom says. I knew it was an inevitable question.
    “I’m actually considering going to graduate school,” I say, even though I’ve only started to consider it in the last few hours, since I heard Aaron would be there.
    Evan actually chokes on the last bit of dessert he had just put in his mouth and when I look up at Mrs. Warner her eyes are wide.
    “Isn’t Aaron going to graduate school?” she mutters.
    “Yes, I believe he is.” I say it like I’m a little unsure even though I’m damn sure and he’s the only reason I would ever consider such a stupid proposition.
    Aaron Donovan is going to grad school because he doesn’t want to leave Rainy and I’m going to grad school so I can be with Aaron. It makes me wonder how many students are actually attending the program to get an education.
    Evan’s mom gives her son an ugly look which says: What does Aaron have that you don’t and I suddenly feel really bad for Evan.
    Ever since we were kids, Evan and Aaron were both best friends and mortal enemies, often at the same time. Our parents, all being best friends and in the same social circles, forced us together. Evan and Aaron are both gorgeous, super athletic, outgoing, smart and highly competitive. But Aaron has always been just a little bit better at everything than Evan and it’s killed him. Nearly everything Evan’s wanted, Aaron’s managed to get, most recently being the President of their social club, The Clubhouse. Not only is The Clubhouse the most popular social club at their university, being President of The Clubhouse was something Evan talked about for four years, ever since they both joined.
    And Aaron won.
    He also won Rainy.
    I’m not sure which victory hurt Evan more.
    But something happened to Evan since we saw each other at Spring Break. We were all at Aaron’s family cabin by the lake. That was my first glimpse of Miss Rainy Dey and I saw how easily she could be cracked. It didn’t take much. I just sat close to Aaron a few times and flirted with him. She packed her stuff and took off in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, Aaron took off after her, which was not something I was anticipating. 
    Evan has changed though. He’s start ing to show compassion and even caring for other people. It was like not getting Rainy did something to him. And now that Rainy and Aaron are engaged, it’s almost like he wants what they have.
    I never thought I’d see the day when Evan Warner wanted to settle down with one woman. But then, a year ago, I would have said the same thing about Aaron Donovan.
    I was the
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