the end of the week.” His eyes darted to the large clock over the mantle of the fireplace. “That would be in about six hours.”
Taking Syx’s hand and rising to his feet, Vapre stretched his arms over his head, arching his back and trying to work out the kinks of his sore muscles. “Yeah, I guess we need to get a couple of rooms ready for whoever the guys are bringing home with them.” Placing his hands on his hips, he stared down at the floor and frowned. “How many more do you think will come before the war? We’re running out of rooms.”
Syx shrugged and led the way over to the staircase. “We’ll have to start doubling up, I guess. We can room the three newcomers together, and another room for Syn and Jinx. That only leaves three open rooms. It’s a big house, but it still has its limits.”
“Why do you suppose all the people that keep showing up here are men?” Vapre followed Syx up the stairs as they went to begin preparing rooms. “Doesn’t that seem strange to you?”
“Hmm.” Syx’s head tilted to the side, but he didn’t pause until he reached the upstairs landing. “That’s a good question. Maybe we can ask Echo about it later. He might have some insight about why all the residents from the lab are men.”
“What about the vamps?”
Syx sighed and turned, reaching up to cup the side of Vapre’s neck. “I don’t have all the answers, babe. I’m sure we’ll find out in time.”
Vapre melted at the endearment, the longing in Syx’s eyes, and the gentle squeeze of his fingers. “Okay,” he whispered. “Okay.”
Chapter Four
Echo was crunching over the frozen grass in the backyard, pacing and having himself a good pity party, when the wind carried the sound of tires crunching over the gravel drive to him. Snapping his head up, his heart hammered against his ribs, and his hands and knees began to shake.
“Eyce!” He screamed, sprinting around the side of the house, just as the two SUVs came to a stop in front of it. “Hex! Myst!” Echo kept running, never slowing or pausing as the doors of the SUV flew open and his men began to climb down from the vehicles. “Onyx!”
Fiero was the first one out, and he stood tall with his legs spread wide as if he knew what was coming. Echo launched himself into his mate’s arms, winding around him like a serpent as he peppered kisses across the demon’s face. “Fiero,” he breathed.
His men were home, they were safe, and Echo had never felt more relieved in his life. Something about being separated from them made him tense and anxious. They should definitely stick together from now on.
“Hey, baby.” Fiero chuckled, giving Echo a crushing hug. “Missed you.”
“Mmm,” Echo hummed in agreement.
Someone cleared their throat, and Echo lifted his head to find Hex looking at him expectantly. He squirmed in Fiero’s hold, and the warrior set him on his feet at once. In two long strides, Echo plastered himself against Hex, squeezing the life from the man as he buried his face in Hex’s shirt. “Welcome home,” he whispered.
He turned to Eyce next, then Myst, greeting his men and welcoming them home as properly as he could in polite company. “Onyx!” He beamed at the man as he rushed into his arms. “Hey, big guy. Did you bring me something back?”
Onyx snorted, holding Echo gently, as though he would shatter. “We were kind of distracted, but how about I take you shopping tomorrow? You can pick whatever you want.”
“Can we go to that naughty store I heard Fiero talking about the other day?”
“Have you been naughty?” Onyx asked in a thick whisper, his hands drifting down Echo’s back to squeeze his wiggling ass. “Do you need to be punished?”
“Oh, yes.” Echo adopted a contrite grimace and nodded pathetically. “I was really, really bad.”
Onyx claimed Echo’s lips, licking at the inside of his mouth as soft growls permeated the air around them. “Whatever you want,” Onyx repeated against