Evanescere: Origins

Evanescere: Origins Read Online Free PDF

Book: Evanescere: Origins Read Online Free PDF
Author: Vanessa Buckingham
beyond confused.
    The agony continued. I no
longer screamed. I realized that screaming did no good. Nothing eased the
burning pain. It seemed as though time stood still. I no longer counted the
seconds that passed. Ironically, in the distance I heard the silent ticking of
an old clock somewhere. I heard the gentle tapping of the rain on the roof. I
focused on that gentle tapping as the rain has always been a balm for me. As I
rode the waves of pain, I remembered the pain of child birth and found it
comparable. The only difference was that this has gone on for what seemed like an
eternity. I did not want to believe this was my hell. I longed for relief and I
knew my angel would not grant it. I wondered who I angered in a previous life
to deserve such torture.  
    Quite suddenly, with my
senses being heightened, I saw that my angel sat by me, holding my hand in his.
I could hear him talking about me and the new life I had been given. He told me
the pain would not last much longer. He could feel me begin to relax and accept
the pain. When he caressed my face it was warm and soft. It felt like a gentle
caress I felt his skin so smooth, so soft, but it was no longer cool or hard.
His skin was warm against my own. I was confused by this when just before his
skin was cold as ice.  
    He explained to me what I
was becoming. I knew I must surely be in hell, creatures such as him are only a
figment of our imagination, a myth. I focused more on his face and his face was
becoming clearer. He had a soft square jaw. His face was contorted in anguish.
I could hear the faint accent as he spoke to me. I could hear the voices
outside these walls of wherever I was. I could faintly hear his thoughts, what
he said was true.
    How can this be? I thought
to myself. Suddenly myth had become reality. Legend had become fact. No this
was not real. This was all in my head. I was damned to hell for all eternity.
This was my death, my end.
    The pain was over. I
looked at him and in fear jumped away from him. I found myself on the other
side of the room in the same instant I thought it. He approached me slowly,
cautiously. I did not know this man. I did not know if he was friend or foe.
    I looked at him
cautiously, afraid he would hurt me the way those men did. When I thought about
that I could not remember their faces clearly. He held out his hand to me and
still I stayed away from him. In another second I was on the other side of the
room, near a beautiful French door. I could see the tattoos on his muscled
arms. They looked intricate. He had more tattoos on his hand and on the side of
his neck. These were not modern tattoos, that much I was sure of.
    I could smell his sweet
scent. This was no cologne, his scent was sweeter, and lovelier if that could
be possible. I could smell another smell distinct from his, the smell of
morning rain and honeysuckle. Maybe a hint of jessamine. My perfume Amore
Eterno has jessamine notes in it, but not the honeysuckle, I heard him
inhale and hold his breath. I did not expect what came next.
    He smiled at me.
    “This must be very
disorientating to you,” he began,” but don’t be afraid. I saved you from
certain death.” I saw his tall figure slowly approach me. His hands held out
with his palms up. I was unsure of my own thoughts. Naturally, I was very
confused about what occurred.
    The way he spoke was odd.
He spoke English with a foreign accent that was very subtle. It sounded
Slovakian or maybe Romanian. It was definitely European. I just could not place
it. It was difficult to tell since you had to really listen to him speak in
order to detect it.    
    “You do smell delicious.
I have never noticed one of our kind, with such a beautiful scent,” he said.
    Had he just complemented
me about the way I smell? I asked myself. I was not sure if this was a good
thing or a bad thing. I was lost by what he just said. This total stranger just
said my scent was the most delicious he had ever smelled on one of our kind.
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