Escape: A Stepbrother Romance

Escape: A Stepbrother Romance Read Online Free PDF

Book: Escape: A Stepbrother Romance Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jessica Ashe
Scratch that, I’ve never been caught and prosecuted for doing anything illegal.”
    “Yes, well, just to make sure,” Sheri said, “you will be living here with us for the rest of the summer. I’ve sublet the London penthouse already so you won’t be living there. I don’t trust you in London all by yourself. You can go back and pack your things, but that’s it.”
    “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I exclaimed.
    Roy and Sheri both cringed at my choice of words. Sheri didn’t usually care, so I knew she was just pretending to be offended for Roy’s benefit. “Watch your language,” Sheri warned.
    “I didn’t complain about living in London while you sorted out your legal issues—and apparently got other things sorted out as well—but there’s no way I’m living here all summer.”
    “It’s a beautiful home, Caiden. I’m sure Victoria will give you the tour.”
    “It’s old and stuck in the middle of nowhere. Are there even any young women around here? I just bought a twenty-four pack of condoms and I didn’t buy them because I enjoy a posh wank if you get my drift.”
    “Jesus Christ,” Roy muttered under his breath. I got the impression he would have covered up Vicky’s ears if he could have.
    “Caiden, we’ll speak about this later,” Sheri said, giving me her best stink eye.
    I looked back at Vicky and thought I caught a brief hint of a smile although it disappeared as quickly as it had arrived.
    “We have more good news,” Roy announced, as he tried to change the subject. “We found this on the chair in the lounge, Victoria.” He had a letter in his hand. I thought I recognized the University of Cambridge logo in the corner, but I couldn’t be sure.
    “Vicky’s been accepted to read PPE at Cambridge,” Roy said with a beaming smile on his face. “Congratulations.”
    “Thanks,” Vicky replied.
    The absence of a warm hug and a sincere reply was obvious to everyone apart from Roy it seemed.
    “I knew you’d get in of course, but it’s good to get the confirmation all the same.”
    Vicky didn’t say anything. Didn’t she want to study at Cambridge? It sounded like a dream come true for someone of her upbringing, but she couldn’t have looked less enthused at the prospect.
    “You should confirm your acceptance as soon as possible,” Roy said. “Quicker we get this all final the better.”
    “I was thinking about waiting for a few weeks,” Vicky said timidly. “Just in case anything else comes through. I want to know what my options are.”
    “Nonsense,” Roy replied. “What’s the point in looking at the back-up plans when you’ve been accepted to your first choice? You’re going to love it there. My three years at Cambridge were the best of my life. Well, until recently,” he added, turning to look at Sheri.
    “I think I’m going to throw up,” I groaned.
    “Serves you right for knocking back all that whiskey,” Sheri said, completely missing the point. “Come on Royston, let’s give them some time to get to know each other better.”
    Better? I know her fairly well already. I still had a crystal clear mental image of her perfect pussy and the face she made when she came on my cock. I could even describe the size and location of her clit. How much more was there to know about a woman?
    “Vicky,” Roy said as he turned to walk out of the kitchen. “Please give Caiden a tour of the place and make him feel at home. I want him to feel like he’s part of the family.”
    “I suggest we start with the bedroom,” I said to Vicky. “Show me where the magic never happens.”
      “Sod off,” Vicky replied, pushing me out of the way and walking towards a door at the back of the kitchen that led outside to a large, green garden.
    I poured myself another drink and then followed her outside. I’d only been in England for a few months, but that had been enough time to make me rethink some of the stereotypes about English weather. It didn’t rain
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