to teach,” I informed him stiffly.
    “Good,” he said as he glanced down at me with narrowed eyes. “Because if you’re looking to cash in, you’re barking up the wrong tree.”
    My eyebrow arched. “Excuse me?”
    “It’s not like we haven ’t seen this before,” he offered offhand. “Single billionaire, big, empty Beverly Hills mansion and a lonely kid who desperately needs a mom. Easy pickings for a smart gold-digger.” My fur started to rise but he went on, undaunted. “Hell, we even saw it when he was a married billionaire. One of the main reasons he’s single now.” He looked me over. “I will give him credit, though. He’s definitely casting against type this time around. Natural hair color, no breast augmentation and no designer clothes. You really do look like a school teacher.”
    My eyes narrowed. “That’s because that is what I am. I don’t appreciate any insinuation otherwise.”
    He held up a hand. “No offense intended,” he said. “And if I misjudged you, I apologize. I’m more than willing to be wrong.”
    “Really?” I challenged as I crossed my arms in front of my chest.
    “Yeah,” he said as he glanced toward Jonathan, who approached with a plate full of cookies. “For his sake. You really want to do him a favor? Go back home. Let his mother have a fighting chance to raise him way the hell away from this poisonous family.”
    I was speechless as I watched Alex saunter easily toward Jonath an, who had become a little boy again with the presence of his uncle. They interacted with ease, with Jonathan performing several of his moves for Alex under the flawless blue sky. Their relationship was easy and playful. There wasn’t a trace of the bitter skeptic that had faced me at the fence, the one who essentially called me a gold-digging whore out to secure my place as the future “ex” Mrs. Fullerton.
    I knew from that moment on that if I decided to take this job, Alex Fullerton would prove an annoying thorn in my side.
    It was enough to give me pause, and wonder – again – what the hell I had gotten myself into.

Chapter Four
    The sun blazed across the cloudless sky as I waited to resume my time with Jonathan. Alex tumbled and sparred with him for a good hour before he thankfully departed. He sent me a mock salute before turning to leave, which ground my gears even more.
    The only one sorry to see Alex go was Jonathan, whose mood took an immediate nosedive as soon as his uncle disappeared from his sight. He was sullen as he faced me from the other side of the fence. “I should probably go change before dinner,” he said, and I raised no objection. I followed him quietly into the house, hanging back in the kitchen as he slipped through the door and down the hall.
    Cleo was hard at work chopping vegetables for our dinner that evening. I stopped at the sink to wash my hands before I joined her at the island. “ What can I do?”
    Cleo brushed away my suggestion with the wave of a hand. “ Absolutely nothing, miss. It would be highly improper.”
    “Screw propriety,” I said with an impish grin. “I’m the help, same as you. So let me help.”
    She gave me a narrowed, side-eye glance. “Master Fullerton would be terribly cross if he knew.”
    “Master Fullerton is not here,” I reminded. “I’m not going to tell him. Are you?” She shrugged and handed me a knife to chop some vegetables. “What are you making?”
    “ Master Jonathan’s favorite, as usual. He’s quite picky.”
    I couldn’t help but chortle. “He’s definitely been groomed to get his way, hasn’t he?”
    Cleo shrugged. I knew she wouldn’t break any confidences with the family. “He has terribly big shoes to fill,” was all she would say.
    “Even more reason for him to be adaptable,” I said. “What’s on the menu?”
    “He wants fish sticks.”
    “Fish sticks?” I repeated. “That’s a little mundane.”
    Again, Cleo shrugged. “When it’s just Jonathan by himself, it seems
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