Enemy Invasion

Enemy Invasion Read Online Free PDF

Book: Enemy Invasion Read Online Free PDF
Author: A. G. Taylor
replied, “perhaps a little too much.”
    Hui laughed softly. “There’s no need for concern. You’ll find I’m very discreet. In fact, discretion is my business.” He glanced at his watch – a Rolex that
was probably genuine. “So, the shift change to the night-time security team in the corporate levels of the tower is at 9.00. We should make a move.”
    Hack gritted his teeth in annoyance. Clearly Jonesey had told the man everything about their plan. “Do you mind if we have a quick word in private?”
    Hui’s mouth widened into a smile, but his eyes didn’t join in. “Why should I mind?”
    “Just let me finish this,” Jonesey said as he continued to spoon the soup into his mouth. Hack kicked his shin. “Or maybe I’ll finish it later.”
    As the two boys rose, Hui leaned back and his suit jacket fell open, allowing the briefest glimpse of an automatic hanging in a holster under his left arm. Hack’s blood ran cold as he and
Jonesey crossed to the restaurant entrance.
    “What were you thinking?” Hack whispered. “That guy’s Triad!”
    “Oh, come on! Just because he’s got a tailored suit, doesn’t make him a gangster.”
    “He’s carrying a gun! When we left the table he opened his jacket so I could see it.” Hack grabbed Jonesey’s arm and shook him. “Do you understand? He wanted me to see it.”
    Jonesey looked away at the crowds of families, couples and groups of friends traipsing through the mall. The air was full of laughter and shouting and friendly arguments. When he turned back,
his face was even paler than normal and his eyes were watery.
    “I’m sorry, Hack,” he said. “I went to him to buy the IFC security plans, but he wouldn’t leave it at that. Pressed me for information. When he heard about
Goodware, he wanted in. Wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
    “What does he want?”
    “The beta version of Portal War 2 from the Goodware server. Creating a pirate copy months before release would be worth millions to them.”
    Hack looked at him incredulously. “No! You think? How could you have been so stupid?” He took a deep breath, trying to calm down. “Now at least I know who’s been
following me all week.”
    Jonesey shook his head. “If the Triad were following, you wouldn’t have seen them. Look, let’s just get this over with. All we care about is getting proof of my original game
design, right? Let the Triad have their pirate copy – in a few weeks, the real thing will be in the shops for the punters dumb enough to pay full price. Goodware won’t lose anything.
It’s a victimless crime!”
    “And you think it’s going to stop here? Hui knows about my power now. What about when he wants to bypass another security system or break into another building? Who do you think
he’ll come looking for?”
    “All he knows is your name, I swear.”
    That assurance didn’t make Hack feel much better – he was certain that if the Triad wanted to find someone, they had ways of doing it. He glanced back at their table. Hui sat
impassively, hands clasped together before him like a terracotta soldier waiting to be brought to life.
    “Okay,” he said finally. “We walk away right now. Lose him in the crowd. What’s he going to do, start shooting at us in the middle of the mall? He can’t make us go
through with the break-in.”
    His friend looked at his feet. “It’s not that simple. I made promises to them. Borrowed some money, just for the 3D LCD and some other components—”
    “I know! I was stupid! He wanted me to take an advance. Up capitalize my business or something.”
    “He wanted you in his debt.”
    “They’re not going to let me walk away.”
    The two friends looked at one another for a moment. Jonesey gave a lopsided grin. “It’s okay. You can leave. I should have told you what was going on.”
    “Yes, you should.”
    “I’ll muddle through somehow.”
    “And how are you going to get past the Goodware security
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