
Enchanter Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Enchanter Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kristy Centeno
Tags: YA)
that we did not get along.
    “Serves him right.” I glared at Brandon. “It’s his fault
    “Whatever you need to tell yourself that will get you
through the day, Parker.” Brandon muttered.
    “Did you experience any dizziness or blurred vision after
falling?” The nurse opted for changing the subject before I leaped out of the
bed and strangled the dangerous-looking male a few feet away, and I was thankful
for the distraction.
    “Can you detail the entire incident for me?”
    Exasperated, I provided her with the information she needed.
After she took note of my explanation, she asked, “How are you feeling now?”
    “My head and my ribs hurt a little, but other than that I’m
    “No dizzy spells or blurry vision?”
    “Not right now.”
    “Good.” She smiled. “That must’ve been quite a fall.”
    “To be honest, I didn’t think I would hit so hard, but
apparently I did.” I shrugged. “I didn’t even have time to use my hands to
soften the blow.”
    The nurse grabbed a pile of white papers and handed them to me
along with a black pen. “Fill out these papers for me.”
    I nodded and reached out for them.
    “No problem. Oh, and the doctor should be in shortly.”
    Once we were alone, I took to filling out the paperwork so I
did not have to look at Brandon. It was safe to say that I never expected to be
hauled to the hospital early in the morning and I was absolutely livid because
of it.
    “Getting all worked up about this isn’t going to make it go
away.” Brandon was so close to me that I yelped in surprise at his voice right
next to my ear. I turned to look over my shoulder and found his face just
inches away from mine.
    His pale blue eyes stared back at me with obvious interest.
Trying to read what I saw behind them, however, was close to impossible.
Brandon seldom, if ever, allowed his emotions to show and right now I was
having trouble deciphering his mood.
    “Neither does having you so damn close!” That was the only
coherent thing that could come out of my mouth so I let it slip.
    Brandon started to say something, but the doctor chose that
moment to make an appearance.
    One x-ray, five stitches, a few pain killers, and a clean
bill of health later, I was well enough to be discharged. Thankfully, aside
from the bruises, bumps, swollen knee, and the cut on my forehead, I was
perfectly fine.
    Unfortunately, I could not go back to class because the
doctor insisted I go home and get some rest. And, since he gave me some pretty
heavy pills for the pain, which were already making me groggy, I had no choice
but to do as instructed. As expected, this added to my already rising anger and
I started to mentally talk myself out of killing Brandon because if I did not calm
down soon, I was afraid I would cause myself a stroke.
    The day before, I had happened to skip classes so that I
could enjoy a shopping trip with my best girl friend Vanessa, who was happily
married and heavily pregnant. Since I never missed classes or work, I had decided
that one day would not kill me, so I treated myself to a day of shopping and
actually enjoyed it. But having seven hours of classes interrupted because of my
brief argument with Brandon, which then resulted in my embarrassing fall down
the steps of shame, my anger had piled so far up I swore it was the size of a
    Once in the car, I buckled my seatbelt and stared out the
window as Brandon started the engine. I was aware of his movements but all I
wanted from that point on was to ignore him and make it home in time to sulk
for the rest of the day, so I paid no attention to anything as he drove.
    It was not until he parked at the back of the apartment building
where I resided that a realization struck me. He had never asked for my address,
so how did he know where I lived?
    “Where are we?” Why the thought of testing him just to see
what his answer would be crossed my mind, I do not know. But I
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