
Enchanter Read Online Free PDF

Book: Enchanter Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kristy Centeno
Tags: YA)
in a room?”
    “Already?” I asked, knowing from experience that a trip to
the emergency room usually took a few hours, and considering the fact that I
was having a lousy day, I did not expect anything less.
    “We’re not that busy right now.”
    The nurse smiled as she took a few papers and a clipboard from
the desk and gestured for us to follow her.
    “Thanks,” I said to the receptionist.
    “No problem. You have a good day now.”
    “You too.”
    She nodded and hurried back to her post.
    Brandon and I followed the nurse through a pair of doors and
a long and brightly illuminated hallway. At the end of the corridor she took a
right turn, walked a few feet, and took a left turn before pausing before a
huge door. After placing her ID in front of a scanner at one side of the door,
it opened and we continued on to room number four.
    The nurse gestured to the bed and I obeyed, eying Brandon carefully
as he took the seat next to the entrance. I was brought out of another gaping
session when the nurse removed the tissue paper I’d been holding onto up until that
point, tossed it in the trashcan, and donned on a pair of surgical gloves.
Moments later, she prodded my right temple with glove-clad fingers. I winced
and groaned when she took alcohol pads and dabbed around the cut.
    “It’s definitely going to need stitches,” she murmured.
    “Don’t worry. You’ll only need a pair at the most.”
    “A pair is what got me in this mess in the first place.” I
said, referring to the bad news I had gotten that morning.
    “I don’t get what you mean.” She eyed me, then Brandon as if
expecting clarification.
    The nurse might not have understood the meaning behind my
words, but Brandon did and his glare served to prove it.
    “She slipped on a step and fell,” Brandon explained. “The
pair she refers to is clumsiness and a bad temper.”
    The nurse laughed and I scowled at him.
    “How long have you two been dating?” the nurse asked as she
took out a couple of alcohol pads from a drawer next to the gurney and began to
clean the area around the cut.
    Talk about an awkward moment.
    The nurse tossed the blood soaked pads in the trash bin and
then turned to open another drawer next to the one she’d taken the pads out of.
Removing a large gauze pad from inside, she quickly tore open the packet and
placed the gauze over my cut. “It’s no longer bleeding as much but this should
keep the blood from getting on your hair and clothing. Hold on to it until the
doctor gets here.”
    “Dating?” I nearly shrieked. “We’re not dating. In fact,
we’re not even friends. He just offered me a ride to the hospital,”
    “I’m sorry.” The nurse’s tone was anything but sorry. She
was amused by our reaction to her question. “The way you two look at each other
reminds me of a married couple I know. They exchange the same looks you two do
when they’re angry with each other.”
    Seriously? How could I be stuck in this completely
awkward moment like this? Is this life’s way of saying I’m never to enjoy a
birthday? I finally decide that perhaps I’ve mourned my father’s death for long
enough and make it a point to start celebrating the anniversary of my birth and
look what happens. And dammit, I still wanted to pin Brandon with the
responsibility of my accident no matter what he said earlier.
    The nurse took my vitals.
    “She’s just mad because she wants to blame me for what
happened and I’m not willing to share in the guilt for that.”
    I blanched when he spoke because I seriously thought he had
just read my mind.
    When Brandon caught my expression he actually smiled and I
have to say the action took me completely off guard, it was such an appealing
sight that I could not help but stare.
    The nurse laughed softly then shook her head.
    “Ah, and now you’re stuck here together?” The nurse smiled
again. She obviously thought our situation was very amusing, being stuck
together when it was clear
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