was it. My friends in Texas were always trying to get me to drive down to their home at the lake and spend the weekend with them but I was constantly putting it off.
When I sat at the computer and logged onto my account, I was bombarded with several messages left since the last time I was on my page. A few were from my friend in Kansas and a few from the friends in Texas, but several were from Ryan. This really surprised me even though we had spent several months teasing back and forth over the pictures I posted. He even posted a few with a message given here and there teasing back. I began to enjoy our banter but it was tying me to the house and I couldn’t let myself get caught up in that habit. So I had stayed off social media for several weeks.
Fear raced over my body as I started to open his first message. I really felt as if I should delete all of his messages without reading them but my curiosity got the better of me. Ryan’s first few messages were just polite, general ones expressing how he missed me and hoped I was doing well. However, the last few held more concern in his tone at my extended absence. He voiced concerns from my health, emotions, all the way to fearing he had totally offended me with his teasing.
The last message sent two weeks ago made me feel a little guilty and want to apologize but I didn’t want him to think I cared more than I did. I didn’t want to start any online relationships other than friendship. And I was pretty sure he felt the same way because his female following was extensive. I always wondered why he hadn’t teased with them like he did with me. My guilt finally won, reminding me how much I hated ignoring anyone because I hated being ignored myself. Instead of logging off, I typed a quick message to him letting him know I was fine and getting out more, visiting friends. I reassured him he hadn’t offended me in any way and I enjoyed our banter. Staring at the computer screen, I almost hit the cancel button but went ahead and pressed send.
After logging off the computer, I snuggled down in my favorite rocking chair and started to read. A month ago, my love of reading finally coaxed my attention and I was doing remarkably well with it. ‘Three hours passed quickly,’ I thought as I looked at the clock realizing it was one in the morning. I stumbled to my bedroom and fell into bed.
The next morning I decided to post another serious picture just to let people know I was okay and still around. ‘Fuck is a response for everything,’ was a picture I found expressing my current viewpoint. Within seconds, Ryan was posting a comment under it saying ‘nothing like a good one!’ Smiling to myself, I commented back ‘we’ll see! Lol’ and hit send. Again within seconds he commented ‘especially a dark stranger!’ Having just read my favorite author’s book, Dark Stranger, I laughed out loud and responded with ‘ahh, you know how to tempt me.’ I heard my computer beep so I clicked on the post. There he was in all his magnificent playfulness with his comment ‘temptation is my game, and the devil is my name.’ He wasn’t about to be out done by me. I quickly texted back ‘we’ve met before…I never forget a…’ and logged off laughing.
Days turned into weeks with this same kind of back and forth banter. I was beginning to look forward to my time teasing with Ryan online. It made me feel good again to let my humor and quick wit out. I didn’t know much about Ryan except what was on his profile page, which wasn’t much. He had been a Marine but I knew you never said ex-marine because ‘once a Marine, always a Marine’. My Dad had been a Marine. Surprisingly, Ryan’s year of birth was on his profile page making him sixty-nine years old, seven years my senior and probably a Vietnam Veteran, if I was guessing. That particular war always sparked big emotions in me. I had friends who never came home but also had friends who did and were never