in the evening when I realized I was hungry. Luckily , what I had on still looked presentable. I changed my sneakers for my boots, grabbed a light jacket, and headed for the main building.
The stroll was beautiful! The complex lay in a valley in the middle of forested hills. The air was clean and crisp this late in the evening making me feel revived. Most people were finishing their meals when I traipsed in. I was grateful for the ‘no wait’ and un-crowded dining room. Seated at a table in the corner at the back of the room, I could see everyone coming and going. I was grateful for that. I never liked sitting with my back to a room or door. People watching when they weren’t aware of me doing it was my favorite hobby.
Rather than wine, I chose a frozen margarita and the enchilada dinner. The maître d’ was talking with a man at the front of the restaurant as I sat back in my chair sipping my drink. Normally, I wouldn’t notice such things but this man was strikingly tall, at least compared to the maître d’ and he was taller than me. I wished he would turn around so I could see the face that went with that pair of long legs. He was seated at a table across the room but facing me. I turned my attention to the window to not appear as if I were staring. Glancing out of the corner of my eye at him, I noticed he was perusing the menu. It was a perfect opportunity to study him while he wasn’t looking my way. He had a full head of silver white hair except on top where it was a little thinner. It was cut short but wasn’t in a buzz cut. His face was strong and chiseled with a silver white fu-manchu mustache framing his full, sturdy mouth. I couldn’t tell what color his eyes were but his forehead appeared proud and un-wrinkled. He wore a pair of metal framed glasses making him appear distinguished and well educated. His shoulders were not quite what I would call broad but were not small by any means. As I was assessing his chest, he looked up over his menu giving me a long, cool stare. Wow! Those eyes cut a hole straight through me! I looked back at the window as if I were just browsing the room a little at a time. I sure hoped he bought into my ruse. When I slowly looked his direction again, he was still studying me. Nope, didn’t fall for it. I really couldn’t tell what color his eyes were but they appeared to be a combination of light blue and steel grey searing into mine. He briefly smiled and looked down at his menu again. ‘Whew,’ I was relieved and spent the rest of the evening concentrating on my meal and drink.
After I finished my meal I returned to my cabin. I was glad I had brought a jacket. Even in the summer, the nights had a bit of a chill. I would love to take a dip in the heated pool some evening if I could ever find it empty. I just might try it.
Early the next morning I awoke excited about seeing Mount Rushmore. I dressed and quickly made my way to the information desk picking up maps and brochures. Then I headed straight for the restaurant to grab a quick breakfast. As I was being seated in the center of the dining room, Mr. Long Tall Legs, as I so named him, was finishing his breakfast and leaving. He flashed a cold look in my direction and turned to go. I smiled to myself thinking I must have scared him to death ogling him last night!
After a light breakfast, I had my morning diet coke and set off to drive to the monument to spend the morning. When I was in Junior High I had visited the Monument with my parents but I was sure there would be changes to see. I was also going to sit and do some people watching. It was one of my favorite past-times at the mall so outdoors should be even better.
It wasn’t that far a drive. I roamed around taking in the sheer beauty of the hills and trees. The Monument was still just as amazing as I remembered. I
Rob Destefano, Joseph Hooper