Embracing the Spirits: True Stories of My Encounters With the Other Side
come this far to jeopar-dize the success of the evening by being ill-prepared, and I was paranoid about compromising our safety.
    I meditated, prayed, burnt white candles and incense and
    kept my home’s vibration high. I made it clear that only spirits who came from God’s light were welcome and I white-lighted
    both myself and the house several times during the day. I also made sure that neither my guests nor I consumed any alcohol beforehand. It’s believed that alcohol lowers one’s vibra-
    tion, which can in turn attract lower vibrational, earthbound
    entities rather than the crossed-over spirits we were hoping to make contact with.
    By the time Matilda and her family arrived at 8pm, the
    house was buzzing with spirit energy. It seemed that word
    had gotten out in the spirit world and the family room was
    Matt 33
    inundated with a throng of excited spirits. As much as I sensed their presence, I was still taken aback when Stu took a photo
    which captured around 30 orbs waiting near the fireplace! I
    was convinced it would be an eventful night.
    I had asked Matilda to bring along a list of ten dates,
    amongst which was Matt’s birthday. We then proceeded to call
    out each date in turn, asking Matt via the pendulum whether
    the date in question was his birthday. He answered NO to each until we reached the correct date, thereby providing the first validation that it was indeed Matt we were speaking to.
    His family went on to ask him a barrage of questions, all of
    which he answered correctly. By now we were in little doubt
    that our spirit friend was Matt, and felt comfortable enough to up the ante and allow him to prove his presence further.
    We moved over to the large round table. We seated our-
    selves and placed our hands flat on the tabletop, fingers spread so as our little fingers were touching those of the person
    beside us. We closed our eyes and breathed steadily, whilst I
    white lighted the table and asked once again that only spir-
    its who came from God’s light be permitted to make contact.
    I asked for our guides to protect us from lower vibrational
    entities. I also offered a specific invitation for Matt to come through.
    Within a couple of minutes, the heavy wooden tabletop
    began to vibrate. We opened our eyes and looked at each other
    excitedly, Matt was beginning to make contact. The vibrations
    were soon replaced by a gentle rocking motion, as the table
    began to gently shake from side-to-side. We were overcome
    with a sense of awe and happiness, delighted that Matt was
    offering physical proof of his presence. We began encourag-
    ing him to move the table more forcefully, and invited Matt
    34 Matt
    to use our psychic energy if he needed to. At this point it felt as though there was someone under the table; the energy was
    starting to mount and it seemed to be straining to lift.
    “Let’s move to a smaller table,” I suggested, reasoning that
    it might be easier for Matt to lift off the ground.
    We seated ourselves around a small wooden table, placing
    our hands on the top once again. Almost instantly, the vibra-
    tions began, soon to be replaced by a steady, unmistakeable
    rock. The table legs banged on the floorboards as it seesawed
    from side-to-side.
    Our excitement was palpable and was increasing with
    every passing minute.
    “Tip it over Dad!” encouraged Matilda.
    We all offered similar encouragement, egging Matt on
    towards his spectacular finale.
    It didn’t take long before one side of the table started to
    lift, teetering shakily on two of its wooden legs.
    “Keep going,” we cheered. “You can do it!”
    The table continued to steadily tip, pausing precariously
    above the floor at a thirty degree angle.
    “Come on Dad … Bang it!” said Matilda.
    “Don’t worry about the floor,” I added. “Just slam it down
    for us!”
    And in what was to be his spectacular finale, the table
    slammed into the floor with a triumphant bang.
    At this, we all began clapping, happy that Matt
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