Embracing the Spirits: True Stories of My Encounters With the Other Side
Firstly, it’s always wonder-
    ful to share your visions with someone else; it validates the
    experience and nullifies any doubts. I was especially delighted that I was sharing the experience with Danny, as I’ve always
    tried to nurture my children’s sensitivity to spirits. Embracing the existence of the spirit world has enhanced my life beyond
    measure and I wish the same sense of joyousness for my chil-
    I was also delighted by the fact that Matt was radiating a
    purple, positive energy. This confirmed that he was well and
    truly advancing on his spiritual path and was only dropping by in the hope of a visit with his family.
    I couldn’t wait to try and facilitate contact between him
    and his loved ones, especially since I knew that Matt was itching to do the same.
    It’s times like these that my lack of clairaudience is partic-
    ularly frustrating. How much easier would it be to just tune in and say Right! What is it you want me to tell them? Whereas all I’m able to do is say There he is … on the stairs!
    I knew that Matt was eager to provide proof of his pres-
    ence, so I thought of little else for days whilst I tried to work out the best mode of contact. The orb photos and communication
    via the pendulum were compelling, but I just needed that little something more. I was hoping for a concrete manifestation of
    Matt’s energy which would leave little room for doubt.
    Matt 31
    Then it hit me like a sudden and obvious revelation, why
    not try table tipping?
    Table tipping is a way of inviting spirit contact, whereby
    the participants seat themselves around a table, place their
    hands on it and invite the spirits present to move the table.
    Successful contact can manifest as anything along a spectrum
    of physical events; from the table simply vibrating to moving right across the room. The table is used as a vehicle for spirit energy, and has the potential to produce spectacular results.
    Admittedly I balked a little when it first occurred to me;
    after all table tipping could be classed as a type of séance. If I was honest with myself, it was just one step away from whipping out a Ouija Board, a form of communication which had
    always made me feel uneasy.
    However, in light of the recent séance I’d experienced with
    Tony G, I felt confident that I could facilitate a safe interaction with the spirit world, as long as I took suitable precautions and had appropriate protection in place.
    I was also bolstered by what Dot the medium had told me
    a fortnight earlier. She had said that I was a channel and that in the future I would help people contact their loved ones in the spirit world. When I balked at the thought of conducting any
    type of séance, she assured me that I had the ability and experience to do so safely. She told me that Ouija Boards and the
    like are only dangerous when used ignorantly, as it is then that the doors to the spirit world are opened indiscriminately and
    can lead to all types of havoc.
    “It’s like crossing a busy road,” she explained. “If you just charge across without checking first, of course you can come
    to grief. But if you approach mindfully and carefully, it’ll get 32 Matt
    you exactly where you need to be. It’s the same with séances.
    Approach with careful respect and you’ll be fine.”
    With these thoughts in mind, I decided to ask Matt his
    opinion on the matter via the pendulum.
    “What do you reckon Matt?” I asked. “When the girls
    come, do you think we should try our hand at table tipping?”
    YES! was the immediate response.
    “Do you think you’ll be able to do it?”
    Again, a strong and undeniable YES.
    And finally I asked whether he thought the sight of a table
    tipping and moving of its own accord would freak the girls
    And so it was decided; if Matilda and her family were
    happy to give it a try, table tipping it would be!
    I spent a large part of the preceding day in preparation,
    everything had to be just right. I hadn’t
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