Edward Unconditionally Common Powers 3

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Book: Edward Unconditionally Common Powers 3 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lynn Lorenz
in a forty-five.” Tossed it across the table to Beauregard. The paper soared through the air, then landed near Beauregard's hand.
    Scribbled again. “Second, this is your ticket for having an unlicensed dog in city limits.” Again the paper floated to the other side of the desk.
    “Third. This one is my favorite.” He took his time writing it out. “This one is for assault on an officer, namely me, by that animal of yours.” He ripped it out and added it to the stack.
    “You're joking, right?” Beauregard picked them up and looked through them.
    “No, I'm not joking. You have thirty days to pay the fines or appear in court with a lawyer.” Jack pulled out his cell phone, searched for Brian Russell's cell number, and hit Send.
    “Brian? It's Whittaker. Can you swing by the station? I need you to pick someone up and take him to Smith's Garage for me. Great.” He closed the phone and stared across at Beauregard. “Your ride will be here in five minutes. Now get out of my office.”
    Beauregard stood. “Can I say good-bye to Winston?”
    Jack nodded.
    The young man went around the desk to where Winston lay sleeping, and knelt down.
    “Hey, boy.” The dog woke and tried to crawl into his lap. “The nice chief is going to let you stay with him for a few days, okay?”
    “Be good for him. I'll come and visit you soon, I promise.” Then he leaned down, kissed the dog on the head, and got a quick swipe of the dog's tongue on his cheek. He stood, gathered the tickets, and shoved them into his wallet.
    “Take care of my dog, Jack.” Those deep brown eyes penetrated Jack with a look that demanded a promise. What was it with this guy and promises?
    “I promise, Mr. Beauregard.”
    “I'll hold you to it.” Again with the last word.
    Beauregard walked to the door, turned, and gave Jack a quick smile. “My name is Edward.” Then he slipped through the door and shut it softly behind him.
    Alone, Jack ran his hands through his hair. He felt a gentle nudge against his leg, and he jerked back, his chair rolling against the wall with a sharp thud.
    Winston looked up at him, his hindquarters shaking with what passed for a wag.
    “Oh, no. Don't give me that look. You bit me.” Jack shook his head.
    Winston squirmed between Jack's legs and the corner of the desk and curled up underneath it next to Jack's feet.
    Uh-uh. No fucking way.
    “Get out from there.”
    The dog didn't move.
    “Now, Winston. Right now. Move.” Jack snapped his fingers at the animal.
    Winston rolled over on his back, rear legs splayed, front paws bent, mouth open, tongue lolling, and fell asleep.
    Jack didn't know which one was worse, the dog or his master.
    Both of them refused to obey him.
    Both of them drove him to violence.
    Both of them made him so mad he could spit.
    But if he had to choose which one was the biggest pain in the ass?
    It would be Beauregard. Hands down.
    Edward Paul Beauregard the Third.

Chapter Four

    Edward sat on a wooden chair against the wall of the reception area and draped his jacket over his lap. Blinking to clear his eyes, he refused to think of the worst case. That would be too much to stand, and he had nearly fallen apart in Jack's office. He already had a good idea what Chief of Police Jack Whittaker thought of him. Edward didn't intend to give credence to the “emotional fag” stereotype by crying. Beauregards were made of sterner stuff.
    He'd never been separated from Winston, except on a few overnights, for almost six years. Now, Winston's life was on the line, and Edward swore he'd do whatever it took to free his best friend.
    Edward didn't think Jack would hurt Winston, but if there was one thing he'd picked up from the chief of police in their too-brief time together, it was that Jack Whittaker upheld the law, no matter what the law decreed.
    Even if it said a little dog had to die.
    Jack's secretary gave him a smile, then went back to her work, whatever it was one did when one worked for a chief
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